【新唐人2014年05月02日讯】新疆爆炸死者身份 官民说法不同
禁越级上访提前生效 访民绝望嚎哭
上海两千访民抗议新规 多人被打
上海访民两千多访民,也从4月29号开始,连续三天在上海市政府门前聚集,抗议中共执行“禁止越级上访”的新规定。他们在横幅上写着 “基层捣糨糊,地方不理睬,中央越级上访不受理,《新规》玩死访民没商量”等内容,呼吁中共当局取消所谓的新规定。
Xinjiang Official Story of the Explosion Deaths.Misleading.
After the Urumqi Railway Station explosion on April 30, the
authorities dispatched a large number of armed patrols and
upgraded security.
Urumqi residents felt panic after the explosion and now are
afraid to go out.
Local hospitals also said that the government issued a
ban on disclosing the number of injured people.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media announced 3 deaths
from the incident including one bystander and two suspects.
However, local people told reporters that someone noticed
the suspects running away before igniting the explosives.
On April 30, mainland director Liu Meng posted using
his real name on Weibo that the 3 deaths were police who
risked detonating the bomb when interrogated the suspects.
However, this microblog was deleted but not before being
forwarded one million times.
Early Implementation of Bypassing Petitions Banning
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) implemented the
regulation of banning petition bypassing on May 1.
According to Radio Free Asia, April 30, dozens of petitioners
went to the State Bureau to petition;
Their complaint documents were thrown out or torn up
by staff which upset them desperately.
Some Shanghai Petitioners Beaten For Protesting Against
the New Regulations
In Shanghai over two thousand petitioners protested in front
of the Shanghai municipal government since April 29 against
the new regulation of banned bypassing petitions.
They wrote on the banners: "The basic level stirs the paste;
the local government ignores;
the Central government doesn't accept bypassing petitions;
new rules play you to death with no arguing, etc."
They called on the Chinese authorities to
remove the new regulations.
The actions generated high tension levels in Shanghai Municipal
Government and the petitioners were harshly repressed and
removed by thousands of police.
Many were beaten and arrested.
100 Professors at the University of Chicago Petition
to Close the Confucius Institute.
More than 100 Professors at the University of Chicago have
co-signed a petition calling on the Council of the University
Senate to vote to terminate the university's contract with
Hanban's Confucius Institute this autumn.
The petitioners include 7 chairs from the departments of:
Politics, History, English, Anthropology, Comparative
Literature, and Statistics.
The petitioners believed that the Confucius Institute under
the control of the Chinese government agency Hanban will
influence the university's academic programs on speech and
belief using political pressure.
The existence of the Confucius Institute would undermine the
University of Chicago, violating academic value and reputation.
Edit/Zhou Yulin
禁越级上访提前生效 访民绝望嚎哭
上海两千访民抗议新规 多人被打
上海访民两千多访民,也从4月29号开始,连续三天在上海市政府门前聚集,抗议中共执行“禁止越级上访”的新规定。他们在横幅上写着 “基层捣糨糊,地方不理睬,中央越级上访不受理,《新规》玩死访民没商量”等内容,呼吁中共当局取消所谓的新规定。
Xinjiang Official Story of the Explosion Deaths.Misleading.
After the Urumqi Railway Station explosion on April 30, the
authorities dispatched a large number of armed patrols and
upgraded security.
Urumqi residents felt panic after the explosion and now are
afraid to go out.
Local hospitals also said that the government issued a
ban on disclosing the number of injured people.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media announced 3 deaths
from the incident including one bystander and two suspects.
However, local people told reporters that someone noticed
the suspects running away before igniting the explosives.
On April 30, mainland director Liu Meng posted using
his real name on Weibo that the 3 deaths were police who
risked detonating the bomb when interrogated the suspects.
However, this microblog was deleted but not before being
forwarded one million times.
Early Implementation of Bypassing Petitions Banning
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) implemented the
regulation of banning petition bypassing on May 1.
According to Radio Free Asia, April 30, dozens of petitioners
went to the State Bureau to petition;
Their complaint documents were thrown out or torn up
by staff which upset them desperately.
Some Shanghai Petitioners Beaten For Protesting Against
the New Regulations
In Shanghai over two thousand petitioners protested in front
of the Shanghai municipal government since April 29 against
the new regulation of banned bypassing petitions.
They wrote on the banners: "The basic level stirs the paste;
the local government ignores;
the Central government doesn't accept bypassing petitions;
new rules play you to death with no arguing, etc."
They called on the Chinese authorities to
remove the new regulations.
The actions generated high tension levels in Shanghai Municipal
Government and the petitioners were harshly repressed and
removed by thousands of police.
Many were beaten and arrested.
100 Professors at the University of Chicago Petition
to Close the Confucius Institute.
More than 100 Professors at the University of Chicago have
co-signed a petition calling on the Council of the University
Senate to vote to terminate the university's contract with
Hanban's Confucius Institute this autumn.
The petitioners include 7 chairs from the departments of:
Politics, History, English, Anthropology, Comparative
Literature, and Statistics.
The petitioners believed that the Confucius Institute under
the control of the Chinese government agency Hanban will
influence the university's academic programs on speech and
belief using political pressure.
The existence of the Confucius Institute would undermine the
University of Chicago, violating academic value and reputation.
Edit/Zhou Yulin