【禁闻】捍卫人权 CPPC公布百名政治犯档案

【新唐人2014年05月03日讯】“中国政治犯关注”(China Political Prisoner Concern,CPPC)组织,日前公布了一百名政治犯的名单及编号,其中涵盖了民运人士、藏族、维族、蒙族良心犯、维权人士、基督徒、法轮功等群体。分析认为,这件事能推动中国社会进步和引起国际关注,做的非常有价值。


他们的宗旨是争取让大陆每一位在押政治犯、良心犯、异议人士、维权人士都获得自由,及关注所有中国政治犯、良心犯、异议人士、维权人士及他们亲属的艰难生存境遇 。














采访编辑/李韵 后制/李勇

CPPC publishes 100 Political Prisoners in China Mainland

China Political Prisoner Concern(CPPC) recently published
the name list and numbering for 100 political prisoners
in China Mainland, which comprises
democratic activists, Tibet, Uygur and Mongolian
conscience prisoners, Christians, Falun Gong practitioners etc.

It is analysed that such a name list and ranking
is very valuable as it gives a boost to China's social progress and attracts international attention.

CPPC was established on February 1st,
and is a special organization exclusively for collecting,
categorizing, confirming and publishing the status
of political prisoners in China Mainland.

The objective of CPPC is to strive for the freedom
of each confined political prisoner, prisoners of conscience,
dissidents and human rights activists, and to highlight
the hard living circumstances of them and their family members.

On April 30, CPPC blog website published the profiles
of 100 political prisoners made up of all tortured groups
including democratic figures, conscience prisoners of Tibet,
Uygur and Mongolia ethnic groups, human rights activists,
Christians and Falun Gong practitioners.

Among the published name list,
the deceased human rights activist Cao Shunli
is numbered as 00063,the founder of "New Citizen Campaign" Xu Zhiyong as 00054
and the Uygur scholar Iliham Toxti as 00059.

Overseas spokeswoman of CPPC Ms Grace says,
CPPC's main volunteers are human rights activists in China Mainland.
Some volunteers are past political prisoners.
In view of the bad political environment in China Mainland,
for the sake of protecting their security
all their current efforts will be not released.

Mainland human rights lawyer Tang Jingling has collected
and categorized a confined conscience prisoners name list
since 2008. He also called for the netizens
to send postcards to imprisoned prisoners of conscience.
He says, the job of CPPC will make a difference.

Tang Jingling:"There are many Chinese conscience prisoners,
which is a wider term.
Some of them are not political prisoners,
but they were indeed sentenced for political reasons,
such as Cao Shunli.She was confined due to human rights reasons.
In addition, may Falun Gong practitioners
were sentenced not for political reasons,
but they are imprisoned mainly because they defend
and maintain the basic cornerstone of human rights."

Tang Jingling says, since "64 massacre in 1989"
if some dedicated people or organizations had collected
the information on imprisoned conscience prisoners in China,
and systematically launched rescue actions
including sending postcards, a huge pressure on
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime
would have been produced.

Tang Jingling: "Meanwhile this would have also encouraged
those imprisoned for reasons of conscience.
I was told that Mr Huaping Li said he was largely inspired by receiving tens
and even one hundred postcards when he was confined in Hefei City.
In fact we can largely push society to progress
by our tiny efforts."

In November of last year, democratic parties in Thailand
launched organizational signatures
and called for the CCP Authorities
to release all imprisoned for reasons of conscience.

The appeal document says, currently there are at least 100
conscience inmates confined in prisons or labor camps.
Some of them have experienced imprisonment
more than one time, and this includes
Chinese Democratic Justice Party's
spokesman Wang Bingzhang,
Chinese Federal Party Head Peng Ming,
human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng,
Beijing human rights activists Chen Fengqiang,
Zhang Fuying and Zhao Zhenjia.

Grace says, during the past three months,
they collected and categorized text information
with more than 1 million characters,
thousands of photos, and produced 100 figures' profiles.
At present, a large batch of persecuted people's profiles
can't be published or confirmed.
Grace says, CPPC will continue working on
and publishing the finished information.

Fujian human rights activist Wu Gan says,
along with the intensified oppression
of the CCP Authorities on human rights,
he believes that the name list will possibly be seen
with more political prisoners.

Wu Gan: "from the current situation,
the oppression tends to be increasing,
so there will be more such political prisoners,
this must be a trend.Not enough attention is paid by the international communitiesto human rights activists,
Uygur, andTibetan prisoners of conscience.
Attention to famous cases is not an issue.
But some lesser known cases have no attention.
I hope this will attract more attention to them."

At present, CPPC set up a blog webpage for
publishing the name list (http://cppc1989.blogspot.com/)
and official Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Everyday some newly imprisoned for conscience
are added and old profiles are updated
with new information by volunteers,
and this will provide the latest detailed information
and reports for international communities
and all human rights organizations.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/LiYong