【禁闻】“六四”前 中共制造恐怖 高瑜等成祭品





此外,以敢言着称的北京资深记者高瑜,4月底失踪,但在5月8号, 70岁高龄的高瑜在中共喉舌《央视》上“认罪”,承认自己泄漏了“国家机密”,她的画面还被打上了马赛克。














采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/孙宁

Communist China Is Terrorist -- Arrests Dissidents Before June 4

Recently, senior journalist Gao Yu, human rights lawyer
Pu Zhiqiang, and other public activists have been arrested.
Their charges are various.

Why has the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) detained
public activists at home and abroad?
Let's take a look.

On May 3, the June 4 victims' families, scholars and human rights
lawyers held a seminar in Beijing to commemorate June 4, 1989 incident.
They discussed how the June 4 incident influences
China's historical process and impact.
They called for investigation of the truth.

Once the meeting information was posted online, almost all
the attendees were summoned and their homes raided by police.

Well-known Chinese lawyer Pu Zhiqiang, scholar of Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences Xu Youyu,
Professor of Beijing Film Academy Hao Jian, writer Liu Di
and dissident of June 4 Hu Shigen were detained by Beijing police accused of "creating a disturbance".

In addition, a well-known, outspoken, Beijing senior
journalist Gao Yu, age 70, went missing at the end of April.
On May 8, a woman said to be Gao Yu, suddenly appeared
on China Central Television. The woman admitted her "guilt".
The woman, whose face was blurred said on TV that
she had leaked "state secrets".

Hong Kong's Apple Daily points out that such behavior to
humiliate an elderly woman, and to shame justice, shows the
desperation of the CCP.

The Los Angeles Times says that Gao Yu was ranked as
China's most respected journalist,
"she" unexpectedly admitted her "crimes", it is ironic.

Zheng Cunzhu, US-based Chinese democrat says that
the CCP have covered up the truth of the "June 4 incident"
and is unwilling to publicize it,
The CCP particularly fears the concern of young people
about the "June 4 incident".
Thus it suppresses people who can spread the truth of June 4.

Zheng Cunzhu: "For example, Gao Yu. The regime uses the excuse of leaking state secrets to control people who can spread the truth, and draw civilians
attention before June 4."

In 1988, Gao Yu served as Deputy Chief
Editor of Economics Weekly.
She was arrested after the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989.

In 1993, she was arrested again, and sentenced to six years,
accused of leaking state secrets.

Since 1995, Gao Yu has won several awards of World Press
Freedom Prize and Courage in Journalism Award.

Media reported that the CCP chargeof leaking
state secrets, likely refers to the "No. 9 document" of "Seven Don't Speak".
The document states "do not spread Western
constitutionalism, universal values, civil society,
neo-liberalism, Western news opinion and others."

Bao Tong, former CCP premier Zhao Ziyang's secretary said
that if the file is based on the truth, it should not matter if it is leaked.
If the file is based on a lie, it is the author who
should be charged, not the one who exposes the file.

Bao Tong: "If the No. 9 Document is correct, should that
matter if it be exposed or leaked?
I think it shouldn't be Gao Yu but the regime
that should be charged.
Our courts should judge if it has followed the law,
or sabotaged the law."

Jiao Guobiao, former Deputy Professor of Peking University,
School of Journalism says that the CCP arrested Gao Yu and others,
to create terror, and to avoid a similar incident
like "June 4 incident" happening again.

Jiao Guobiao: "Before June 4, the regime attempts to control
outspoken activists,
In this way, the CCP believes that the situation won't be
out of control during the anniversary of the June 4th incident."

The Apple Daily suggests that in China, Zhou Yongkang's
case links many other officials.
Senior officials in the Party, governments and military have
had corruption and sex scandals continuously exposed.
In addition, attacks in Xinjiang, Yunnan and other cities
repeatedly occurred.
The CCP was trapped into the deep mud of powerlessness to
"fight corruption" and "anti-terrorism"
At this point, the suppression of dissidents is to divert
public attention, which is the CCP's common understanding.

The Apple Daily says that the CCP wants
to intensify the threats.
Thus the regime arrested Gao Yu and others who support
redressing the "June 4".
The CCP also arrested activists who were well-known
at home and abroad, such as Pu Zhiqiang.
It is the regime's method to kill one but to control a hundred.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/Songfeng Post-Production/SunNing