









横河:“世界上没有一个所谓的统一标准认定甚么是邪教,甚么不是邪教, 民主国家的普世价值就是信仰自由,(而中共)它一个无神论的政党,在它管辖的宗教团体里面的,它才承认,在它之外的它一定要打压的。”

1992年5月,“法轮功”在中国由李洪志先生传出, 12月李洪志先生带弟子参加92年东方健康博览会,受到广泛关注和好评。同年,在北京成立了法轮大法研究会。

1993年8月,“法轮功”被接纳为中国气功科学研究会的直属功派, 12月李洪志先生再次带弟子参加93年东方健康博览会,获博览会最高奖“边缘科学进步奖”和大会“特别金奖”以及“受群众欢迎气功师”称号。








采访编辑/易如 后制/葛雷

Chinese Communist Party Stirs up Cult Issues.
Targets Falun Gong Again.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) confirmed that criminals
involved in an unprovoked gang murder case in Zhaoyuan,
Shandong Province were part of a cult group.

On June 2, a state-run media announcement listed 14 kinds
of cults.
China's Central Television (CCTV) posted pictures on its
Weibo indicating the characteristics of a cult.
Straight afterwards, the Office of Preventing and Handling
Cult Issues (OPHCI) that is overseen by the CCP started
slandering Falun Gong again.

Commentators say that the CCP is actually an atheist.,
So it is impossible for the CCP to identify what a cult is.

The sate media announced that the six suspected criminals
who murdered a lady in a fast food restaurant in Zhaoyuan
in an unprovoked attack on May 28 were members of the
Church of Almighty God (CAG).

On June 2, CCTV announced a list of seven cult groups as
classified by the General Office of the state council and
the CCP.

The additional seven cult groups were approved by the
Ministry of Public Security.
The CCP used this as a high-profile opportunity to stir up
an anti-cult campaign.

On June 3, OPHCI under influence of the CCP put Falun
Gong at the top of the list of 11 cults.
Then it used the CCP's common practice; of
criticizing Falun Gong.

Voice of America cited Zhang Boli, one of the former
student leaders of the Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989,
who is currently a pastor in the U.S..

Zhang said that CAG is not really a Christian group, but a cult.
There is nothing wrong for a government to suppress it.
However, a legal process should be applied,
rather than using a policy method.

Some Christians pointed out that faith is a personal spiritual
issue, and a government is not qualified to identify what is
a cult and then suppress it.

Heng He, U.S. based current affairs commentator says that,
from a legal perspective, none of the governmental offices
mentioned by the CCP's media are qualified to identify
which organization are cults.
Heng He: “How does the central regime
identify which one is a cult?
The State Council is an administration office, the Ministry
of Public Security is not a legislative body.
How can they casually confirm which one is a cult?

The CCP is an atheistic party, how can it identify which God
one can believe in and which God one cannot, how ridiculous.”

OPHCI is manipulated by the CCP.

OPHCI claimed itself to be a civil organization, a non-
governmental office and a not-for-profit group.
Heng He pointed out that this organization itself is a cult.

Heng He: "There is no standard
to confirm what is a cult or not.
Democratic countries' universal values are freedom of belief.
However, the CCP is an atheist,
Any religious group is under CCP controls. It is the only way
the CCP will admit it, otherwise, it will be suppressed."

Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa in Chinese) was first
taught in May 1992 in China by its founder Mr. Li Hongzhi.
In December 1992, Mr. Li and several Falun Gong students
participated in Oriental Health Expos in Beijing, where Mr.
Li reportedly "received the most praise (of any qigong school)
at the fair."

In 1992, the Falun Dafa Research Society
was established in Beijing.

In August 1993, Falun Gong was admitted as a branch of
qigong under the administration of the state-run China
Qigong Scientific Research Society (CQSRS).

In December 1993, Mr. Li Hongzhi and his students
again participated in Oriental Health Expos.
In the fair, Mr. Li received highest reward and special
golden prize as well as the most welcomed qigong Master
by the public in the fair.

In March 1996, Falun Gong withdrew from CQSRS because
the CCP ordered qigong groups to pay membership fees and
to establish CCP committees.

Later, Falun Gong cancelled the
Falun Dafa Research Society.

On July 22, 1999, because the Falun Dafa Research Society
didn't register with the Ministry of Civil Affairs the CCP
used the Ministry to announced that Falun Gong was an illegal
organization, then started a suppression campaign.

Heng He: "This claim actually doesn't really stand up,
because what they removed is a Beijing's research society.
Why were the entire Falun Gong practitioners in China
suddenly suppressed?
To implement a political movement,
there should be a logic reason."

In October 1999. People's Daily cited Jiang Zemin's words
who was interviewed by the French newspaper Le Figaro.
Jiang referred to Falun Gong for the first time as an “evil cult”.

Heng He says that Jiang was jealous of the large number of
Falun Gong practitioners; he planned to “sort out” Falun Gong.
After failing, Jiang said Falun Gong competed with the CCP
for the citizens, then he personally defamed Falun Gong.

Heng He: "Jiang made it a personal action. He launched the
entire persecution.
Jiang was a CCP general leader, so actually, the CCP is a cult
with combination of politics and religion.
The CCP has to defame any religion which
is not under its control.
For a religion, the most convenient way to destroy its
reputation is to claim it is a cult."

Recently, the CCP media CCTV's Weibo published pictures
to indicate how to identify a cult.
It aroused a lot of netizens' discussions.

"Some of them said that according to the cult characteristics,
which were announced by the CCP, the CCP itself completely
matches its own definition of a cult.."

Interview & Edit/YiRu Post-Production/GeLei