【禁闻】民营企业家遗巨债跑路 谁是祸首?















加上用工荒、钱荒、电荒,高成本、高税负,低利润的残酷现实, 报导形容民营企业在风雨中飘摇的日子,似乎比金融危机时代更加艰难。

采访编辑/刘惠 后制/葛雷

Who's to Blame as Private Entrepreneurs
Run Away With Huge Debts

Rich businessman in China running away from huge debts
is becoming a frequent occurrence.
Even a renowned tycoon from the famous Hurun list of the
top 100 richest Chinese is included among them.
Experts say that Chinese Communists Party’s (CCP)
policies toward private enterprises are the main reasons
for the current crisis in the private sector.

They say the CCP’s endless injections into crumbling
state-owned enterprises will drag down China's economy.

Contact with chairman Yang Dingguo of renowned Zhongdu
Holding Group is reported to have been lost since June 16.
Surveillance video showed Yang Dingguo taking eight boxes
from his office before he disappeared.
The boxes supposedly contained cash,
collectibles, gold coins and other valuables.

Zhongdu Holding Group was established in 2002.

According to public data, it owns more than 20 subsidiaries,
with business in real estate, department stores, hotels, finance,
gardening, and more, in Zhejiang and Anhui provinces.

It was awarded “Grade AAA” many times by
banks and credit agencies.
Currently many of its department stores
and real estate businesses have closed.
Zhongdu Holding Group has a huge debt
of 2 billion yuan ($321 billion), and creditors
have recently occupied its headquarters.

On June 17, Liu Kesheng, who was the Business Association
chairman and president of the Tongcheng City Chamber of
Commerce in Anhui Province also disappeared.

Liu Kesheng has more than eight hundred million yuan
and nine companies.
The reason for him losing contact is reportedly
breaking of the funding chain.

At the end of May, legendary Wenzhou businesswoman
Xu Yunxu also disappeared.
In Liuzhou City on May 27, Liao Rongnan,
a man famed as one of the 100 Richest Chinese,
was put under criminal investigation due to huge debts.

Duan Shaoyi, Beijing Normal University MBA instructor:
"Firstly, China is does not have a true market economy.
The government intervenes too much.

It's difficult for many companies to get a correct forecast,
affected by government policies.
Secondly, the overall quality of these bosses is low.

They think they are so capable and do not consider
the consequences when they get some money.
Thirdly, they do not care about others,
so they are even more reckless."

Yang Bin, economics and management professor
at Qinghua University: "Private enterprises get no support,
such as lower interest rates.

There is obvious economic crisis.

Domestic production cannot be consumed and
export cannot be done due to RMB appreciation.
Which companies are thriving now?
Without help from the state, they go bankrupt.”

CCP mouthpiece People's Daily listed the
“Top 10 Runaway Rich Business People,” including
the Century Tiancheng Real Estate chairman Huang Shuimu,
Kuaibo Technology CEO Wang Xin and Wenzhou City’s
young entrepreneur model candidate Pan Xiaoyong.

The report says these wealthy men ran off mostly due to debts.

US-based economist Jian Tianlun says that
China's lending policies lead to crisis of private enterprises.

According to CCP official media, it is difficult and expensive
for China’s private enterprises to get investment,
with average rate over 20% for small amount of investment.
Banks’ mutual insurance policy also led to the simultaneous
collapse of many businesses whenever one business
ran into difficulties.

Duan Shaoyi: "China's financial services are primarily for
state-owned enterprises.
State-owned enterprises can borrow money at a low cost.
It is hard for private enterprises to borrow money,
because they cannot get money from the bank."

Duan Shaoyi says that many private enterprises
seem to lose money because they have too much debt.
State-owned enterprises are profitable on the surface,
but it is due to monopoly, lending support and low costs.
Duan Shaoyi says they actually lose money.

Yang Bin: "Private enterprise is the main force of production,
accounting for 70% GDP and 70% to 80% of employment.
The country’s economy has no hope without good policy.
State-owned enterprises cannot improve.
The government’s continuous investment is backward.
Without better policies, the economy cannot improve."

Reuters reported that China's private enterprises
are looking to survive amidst the cracks.
Lack of a fair business environment, coupled with numerous
varieties of taxes, rising labor and material costs, as well as
monetary tightening has driven China's private entrepreneurs
into a dilemma of whether to continue or shut down.

In addition, there are issues of labor shortages,
a money shortage, an energy shortage, high costs,
high tax burdens and the harsh reality of low profits.

Reports say private enterprises are in danger, and that things
seem to be more difficult than in the period of financial crisis.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/GeLei