【禁闻】周案准备公审 涉案金额正在核定

【新唐人2014年09月03日讯】周案准备公审 涉案金额正在核定










港民争民主 获国际广泛声援





Zhou's Case Ready for Public Trial, The Money Involved is Being Verified

On Sept. 1, new information has come out on the case of Zhou
Yongkang, former Politburo Standing Committee member.
Mainland China-based The Time Weekly reports that
the public trial documents for Zhou's case are being prepared;
the involved money in corruption is currently being verified.

However, the report left out a lot of the details,
such as the source of the information and the trial's schedule.

Taiwan Central News Agency reports that for the involved
interest groups, the corruption-related money from
China National Petroleum Corporation alone
is more than 102 billion yuan ($16.59 billion).
This amount is 10 percent of the total profits from the central
government's 113 enterprises, which are under the direct
supervision of the State-owned Assets Supervision
and Administration Commission (SASAC) in 2013.

The Time Weekly reported that a large chain of corrupt
officials and their cronies appeared after the announcement
of Zhou's investigation on July 29th.

This chain includes a dozen people from the China National
Petroleum Corporation, as well as people from the Politics
and Law Committee, the Ministry of Public Security,
the SASAC, Hainan Province, Sichuan Province and other
agencies; with nearly 30 officials having already been sacked.

British media: Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Proposal of Hong
Kong Universal Suffrage and Shame

The announcement of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP)
resolution for Hong Kong's Chief Executive election
has not only caused unrest in Hong Kong,
but has also attracted international attention.

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)'s Chinese website
recently published a signed article that the CCP's universal
suffrage proposal is like a rogue proposal.

The article says, "This proposal, which has the 1,200 member
nominating committee nominate a few candidates and then
has Hong Kong people elect one of them, is what the CCP
calls universal suffrage because CCP is shameless.
It's not because CCP doesn't know what universal suffrage is.

The author says that universal suffrage is about providing
universal and equal suffrage; not about having people pick
from one of several preselected rotten apples.

The article analyzed that the CCP is fears mainland Chinese
may request universal suffrage like Hong Kong people have
which may result in the CCP's greatest fear – its downfall.

They article says that suppressing universal suffrage
in Hong Kong won't protect the CCP from downfall,
because from the perspective of history's development,
the CCP's downfall is only a matter of time.

Hong Kong Democracy Struggle Won international Solidarity

In addition to the media's attention, 11 pro-democracy
organizations in the U.S. and Canada jointly published
an open letter on Sept. 1 in solidarity with the Hong Kong
people against fake election to get true democracy.

Radio Free Asia reports that these organizations are calling on
the U.S. and Canadian governments to urge the Chinese
authorities to keep the promise of "One Country,
Two Systems"in the Sino-British Joint Declaration
and respect the Hong Kong constitution and basic law.

Meanwhile, about 20 non-governmental organizations in
Taiwan jointly signed a statement to support Hong Kong's
struggle for democracy.

Edit/Zhou Yulin