


10月8号,澳洲媒体Fairfax Media以“香港特首梁振英面对澳洲企业支付700万澳元秘密款项的质疑”为题,披露梁振英在上任前,曾收取一家澳洲上市公司高达5000万港元的秘密报酬。




金正恩怎么了 全球媒体竞猜





香港占中继续 大陆狂抓声援者




Australia Media: Leung Chun-ying Received Secret Pay-out
of $A 7 Million

In the moment of confrontation between Hong Kong people
and the government for democratic universal suffrage, Hong
Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying was exposed by an
investigation by Australian based Fairfax Media.

Foreign media covered the story causing
a uproar of public opinion.

On Oct. 8, Fairfax Media reported that Leung Chun-ying took
secret rewards from an Australian listed company before
assuming office as Hong Kong’s Chief Executive.

“Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying questioned
on $A dollar secret payment from Australian company”.

The report said that in December 2011 Australian company
UGL had quietly paid HK $ 50 million or $A 7 million to
Leung Chun-ying in return for his cooperation in consultancy

He would help retain staff, and offer no competition when
UGL purchased DZT Holdings, a British company;

Leung Chun-ying served as a director of DTZ and chairman
of its Asia-Pac operations when he and fellow board members
appointed administrators to sell the company's assets to UGL
for £76 million.

It seems DTZ executives didn’t know of the payout to Leung
Chun-ying as the money was deducted through the acquisition.

It’s also said that UGL paid by instalment in 2012 and 2013
when Leung Chun-ying served as Hong Kong Chief Executive.

Global Media Guess at What Happened to Kim Jong Un

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's whereabouts is being
focused on by global media.

It has been one month since Kim Jong-un’s disappearance
from public view.

The rumor he was toppled caused a great reaction.

The global media are guessing and commenting whether he
is sick, deposed or having a temporary break backstage.

US Los Angeles Times said Kim’s absence from the Sept. 25
gathering of the parliament fueled speculation by observers that
he has been deposed by a coup.

US Washington Times reported, North Korea has recently
banned travel to the capital city Pyongyang.

Analysts are of the opinion that this sort of action indicated
an attempted coup or that authorities have uncovered a plot.

Hong Kong Occupy Central Continues. Supporters are
Arrested in Mainland China

The Hong Kong government and Hong Kong Federation of
Students announced a dialogue agreement on Oct.10.

They will discuss the Hong Kong
political reform proposals.

On Oct .8, demonstrators still occupy three rally points;
Admiralty, Causeway Bay and Mong Kok.

These people have no hope for the dialogue and prepare to
struggle long term.

According to Hong Kong Apple Daily report, some people
have prepared warm stuff to stay until winter.

Meanwhile, mainland police continue to arrest the mainland
activists who support Hong Kong’s Occupy Central.

According to activist statistics, as of Oct. 8, over 40 people
have been arrested.

They include more than a dozen detained
artists and media people.

Edit/Zhou Yulin