【禁闻】胡德平任职《炎黄春秋》 传闻落空

【新唐人2014年12月22日讯】胡德平任职《炎黄春秋》 传闻落空







圣诞将临 港人爱心寄大陆异见人士





Yanhuang Chunqiu Personnel Arrangement Changes

Political magazine, "Yanhuang Chunqiu", was previously asked
to change its personnel arrangement.

Recently, it was said changes took place again.

Radio Free Asia reported on the 20th that informed sources
revealed the president's post has shifted back to its former
and retired president, Du Daozheng.

Previously thought to take over the president's position,
Hu Deping, the eldest son of former Communist Party General
Secretary, Hu Yaobang, no longer has a relationship
with the magazine.

As for Lu De, son of former Deputy Prime Minister
of the State Council Lu Dingyi,who was said to serve as executive
vice president and legal representative of the magazine,
now will only serve as an editorial committee member.

"Yanhuang Chunqiu" was sponsored by a number of retired
senior officials within the Chinese Communist regime.

It is known as an outspoken media in mainland China.

Hunan Explosion Kills Family of Five

On Dec. 20, a local fireworks workshop exploded,
killing five people in a family of three generations
in Shaoyang City of Hunan Province.

After the incident, the local government intended to block
the news and sent hundreds of special police, traffic police
and armed police to forcibly snatch the bodies.

A family member was even knocked out.

Thousands of local residents protested
against the police violence.

The standoff lasted for over seven hours,
causing local traffic gridlock.

Hong Kong People Send Love to Chinese Dissidents

At the approach of Christmas, Hong Kong Alliance
in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China
(the Alliance), as in previous years, holds a "Send love
to Tiananmen Mothers" Christmas cards event.

It aims to help Hong Kong people to send blessings to Chinese
dissidents in prison and families of June 4th Massacre victims.

The activities started in November.

The Alliance booths for Christmas card signing can be seen
throughout downtown Hong Kong.

According to the Voice of America report, the Christmas cards
will be mailed on the afternoon of December 23rd.

However, past experience has also shown that some
of the victims' families and human rights activists
do not receive their Christmas cards.

Edit/Zhou Yulin