【禁闻】山东首虎王敏被查 关系网引关注
















采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁

Shandong's Big Man, Wang Min, Under Investigation

Wang Min, a Shandong Provincial Party committee member
and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee is under
investigation over an alleged violation of the law,
making him the first ministerial official to be exposed.
As Shandong's top man is investigated, senior officials
closely related to his career are receiving outside attention.

On Dec. 18, the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP)
Central Discipline Inspection Commission announced that
Wang Min, the Shandong Provincial Committee member
and secretary of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee,
is being investigated over a serious violation of the law.

Since the 18th National Congress, Wang Min is the first
provincial official to fall, and the 10th among Shandong's
Central Committee members.

Public information says the 58-year-old was born in Jiyang
and his official career never expanded beyond Shandong.
He has served as deputy director of the provincial office,
as provincial deputy secretary-general, provincial policy
research office director, etc.

In 2004, Min was promoted to the Provincial Standing
Committee; then successively served as minister of Provincial
Party Committee Propaganda Department, provincial Party
secretary-general, and Jinan Party secretary from Dec. 2011.
In November 2012, Wang Min became an alternate member
of the Central Committee.

The Phoenix website pointed out on Dec. 20 that
Min's downfall may pull out the "big tiger" behind him.

Hua Po, Beijing Political Watcher: "Min may unexpectedly
get some help in his current situation, because Shandong was
under the current Politburo Standing Committee member,
Zhang Gaoli's ruling when Min received his promotion."
"I believe his position relied on help from Zhang Gaoli—
nobody knows what interests lie between them."
"At least Zhang Gaoli is responsibile for choosing the wrong
person; this case is obviously a tactic to shock the top man
behind him by beating a big man."

It's said that between 1997 and 2002, Wang served as deputy
director of the provincial office and deputy secretary-general
of the Shandong provincial government—at the same time as
when former secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection
Commission, Wu Guanzheng, was serving as secretary of
the Shandong Provincial Committee.
And from 2002 to 2007, Wu Guanzheng was replaced by
Politburo Standing Committee member, Zhang Gaoli,
and Wang Min was his main secretary.

Beijing News reported that the central inspection team had
announced in July that there were serious problems over
the purchasing and selling of official titles in Shandong,
plus that investigations on the auditing chief officials by
the provincial management were ineffective.

Hua Po: "It may be the result of fighting each other for power
in Shandong's officialdom due to the inbreeding of power."
"Recently two deputy governors were sent to Shandong,
possibly to change the mix."
"It may be another result of someone trying to tightly follow
Xi Jinping and show a resolute attitude on anti-corruption."

It's said that Wang Min had also served as the chief planner
of the 2008 CCTV New Year drama, "Chuang Guandong",
and had written the drama's song "Jiayuan".

Political commentator Xing Tianxing says that, as well as
Wu Guanzheng and Zhang Gaoli, Wang Min is also close to
current Politburo Standing Committee member, Liu Yunshan.

Xing Tianxing: "Min wrote lyrics for a CCTV program
and served as minister of the provincial Central Propaganda
Department; for these two points, he definitely has a direct
relationship with Liu Yunshan and of course, Li Dongsheng."
"As a local official, he can write the lyrics for CCTV,
which means they are very close."
"I believe Wang Min's fall is not only due to his corruption,
but the close relationship between him and Jiang's faction."

Xing Tianxing reveals that, the reason Min can be used by
Jiang's faction is because he actively persecuted Falun Gong.

Xing Tianxing: "Just a few days before Min was arrested,
10 Falun Gong practitioners were severely sentenced."
"Wang Min prosecuted Falun Gong intensively,
when he served as Party secretary of Jinan."
"He also participated in the provincial policy room
and followed Jiang Zemin's persecution policy, and thus
received many official titles—his fall is his own fault."

Xing Tianxing says Shandong is one of the provinces
most severely persecuting Falun Gong.
With the fall of Wang Min, those officials who participated in
the persecution will be struck off for corruption.

Tang Jingyuan, Political Commentator: "It's impossible for
President Xi Jinping to avoid the Falun Gong issue;
he either faces destruction along with Jiang Zemin,
or completely frees himself."
"Jiang is already beyond redemption,
but Xi Jinping still has a chance to save himself."
"Jiang and Xi's struggle is not an ordinary political dispute
or power struggle, but is over an instinct to stay safe."

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie