【禁闻】上海踩踏事故头七 家属祭奠

【新唐人2015年01月07日讯】上海踩踏事故头七 家属祭奠














People Mourn Shanghai Stampede Victims on "First Seventh Day"

Jan.6 is the "first seven day" period of the Shanghai stampede
Large groups of people have visited the Chen Yi Square
at the Bund, where the crush took place just a week ago,
to mourn the victims and place flowers.

Hundreds of police guard the memorial site,
and more metal barriers are installed around the square.

The families of the victims were extremely grieved at the
memorial site.
They held up portraits of the dead, as well as burned
spirit money, lit candles and placed flowers
to mourn their loved ones.

Some of them cried calling out the victims' names.
Some even fainted and were sent to hospital
as they cried too hard.

Some others also told the media that they were disappointed
at how the government coped with the tragedy and
its aftermath.

On Dec. 31, a deadly stampede broke out during a New Year
celebration event on the Bund in Shanghai.
This led to at least 36 deaths and another 47 injured.
The Shanghai government said that, the cause of the accident
is still under investigation.

A Radio Free Asia report said that some rights defending activists
have tried to find out the true death toll in the tragedy.
Some of them have been arrested by the Chinese
Communist Party's (CCP) police.

The CCP Officially Arrest Beijing Human Rights Activist Guo Yushan

Last October, Beijing scholar and human rights activist
Guo Yushan was detained on the criminal charge of
"provoking troubles".

Guo was officially arrested on Jan.3, but on another charge
of "running illegal business".
Guo's wife Pan Haixia announced the news on weibo on
the afternoon of Jan.6. She also uploaded the Arrest Notice
to the Internet.

Guo Yushan graduated from Beijing University. He is
co-founder of NGO: "Transition Institute to research China's
social and economic issues."

He attended rights defending activities in 2008:
China Milk Scandal and in 2009: Deng Yujiao Incident.
He also helped blind rights activist Chen Guangcheng escape
from house arrest in 2012.
His NGO has become an important force in China's civil
rights defending activities.

Teachers of Two High Schools in Henan go on Strike against Salary Arrears

Teachers from two High Schools in Henan Province went
on strike simultaneously on Jan.5.

Radio Free Asia said, the involved schools were,
No.1 High School at Lushi County, Sanmenxia City;
and No.4 High School at Shangshui County, Zhoukou City.

Both strikes were induced by salary reduction and arrears.

In Lushi County, teachers on strike could not leave the school
as a large group of police were dispatched to obstruct
the school entrance.

Teachers were thus forced to resume classes the next day.

In Shangshui County, dozens of teachers visited the local
education bureau to demonstrate on Jan.5.
There is as yet no update on the incident.

Edit/Zhou Yulin