【禁闻】港府秋后算账 占中预约拘捕50人

【新唐人2015年01月07日讯】在递交民情报告、启动政改第二轮谘询前夕,香港警方对雨伞运动抗命者展开了第一波的“预约拘捕”行动。首轮的“预约拘捕名单”大约有50人,包括泛民核心成员、学运领袖及占中三子等。 外界认为,港府正在对占中参与者“秋后算账”。







民阵召集人杨政贤:“说我们跟一个非法聚会案件有关,所以要我们到警察局。然后他们也说了,他们也会official arrest(公开逮捕)我们。所以我觉得,他们做这个动作是要秋后算帐。”





前民主党副主席蔡耀昌: “其实如果是警察要进行调查进一步的工作,是不需要等到现在的时候。而且你也看不清楚,他是用哪一样的准则去要求一部分人去进行调查,而且准备拘捕。”






采访/易如 编辑/宋风

Hong Kong Government Plans to Arrest 50 People
Involved in Occupy Central

Before submitting the report on people's conditions and
the second round of consultation on and political reform,
Hong Kong (HK) police launched the first wave of
"appointment arrests" of those who disobeyed authorities during the “Umbrella Movement."
About 50 people are on the list of the
first round of "appointment arrests,"
including core Pan-Democracy members, student leaders
and the three co-founders of "Occupy Central".
The outside world speculates that the HG Government
is punishing "Occupy Central" participants.
On Jan. 6, Hong Kong SAR Government submitted
to theHong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) State Council
the report on people's conditions regarding the "Occupy Central" movement that took place last year.

According to HK's Apple Daily, HK police were able
to contact at least 14 key members of the Occupy Central movement on Jan. 5.
The police made appointments with them at the police station
to assist with the investigation on Jan. 15 and Jan. 22.
Some policemen even made it clear that
they would be arrested then.

It is understood that three co-founders of the Occupy Central
movement Benny Dai Yao Ting, Chan Kin-man and
Chu Yiu-ming, along with Student Federation Secretary
General Alex Chou Yong Kang, Deputy Secretary General
Lester Shum, Standing Committee members
Nathan Law Kwun Chung, Yvonne Leung
and Tommy Cheung, plus Standing Secretary
General Eason Chung, Scholarism founder Joshua Wong,
spokesman Oscar Lai, and Neo Democrats Gary Fan
will be charged at the same time with the most serious
three counts of "convening and organizing illegal assembly,"
"Incite illegal assembly" and "participating in an illegal gathering".
Other seven Pan-Democracy members
will be charged with two counts.
If convicted, the maximum penalty will be up to five years.

Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union (HKCTU)
General leader Union and Meng Zhaoda, Civil Human Rights
Front deputy convener Johnson Yeung, Next Media Group
founder Jimmy Lai are also objects of the arrest.

HK police that this is a civilized arrest,
as they contacted the targets and set up appointments for them at the police station.
If they refuse to go to the police station,
the police will find them and arrest them.

Johnson Yeung believes that this is a high-pressure
attitude of the HK government.
They are coercing people.

If you are involved in the "Occupy Central" movement,
the police can arrest you.

Johnson Yeung: "They said that we are involved in an illegal
gathering case, so we need to go to the police station.
They will also arrest us officially.
I feel that they are trying to punish us."

Johnson Yeung said he would discuss the matter
of whether they would go to the appointment and face arrest
with other participants.

Civic Party leader Alan Leong told the media that
he was invited to record his statements, and was
fingerprinted and photographed at the police headquarters
on Jan. 17.
He thinks he will be arrested then.

Leong claims that he will not admit any guilt of the charges.
He would also defend himself against the charge
of participating in unlawful assembly.

He hoped that people would follow the spirit of "having
a sense of responsibility as born in troubled times",
rather than just caring about themselves.

Labor Party chairman Lee Cheuk-yan said he would accept
the charge of "participating in illegal assembly".
But he would defend himself against charges of other crimes
such as organizing or inciting illegal activities.

Former Democratic Party Vice President Richard Tsoi
was also an active participant in an umbrella movement.
He said he did not know what charges would be used against
the founders of the "Occupy Central" movement.
But the HK government's action on the eve of the second
round of political reform is clearly intentional.

Richard Tsoi: "The policemen do not need to conduct
investigations at this moment.
It is also hard to tell which criteria they use
to get some people in for investigation and arrest."

Richard Tsoi thinks after more than 70 days
of the "Occupy Central" movement,
the people of HK, especially the younger generation,
have enhanced awareness to fight for democracy.
They will not stop their pursuit of democracy.

HK police stated they would continue
to investigate and collect evidence.
They would not rule out arrest.

HK Secretary for Justice also said
all relevant information and evidence will be
handed over to the Department of Justice
after the police investigation.
The Department of Justice will process the cases
in accordance with applicable law
and the "prosecution of the Code."

Johnson Yeung: "when we participated in the movement,
especially at the later stage, each of our organizers prepared to be sued or jailed."

Johnson Yeung believes the current HK Chief Executive
and the Legislative Council system protects interest groups
and to take care of the elite class.

This system ignores the general public.

It does not consider the grassroots.
So, in his heart there is a dream of democracy in HK.

Johnson Yeung said his will to pursue democracy
will not change.
Thus, this dream will not be crushed by arrest or jail.

Interview/YiRu Edit/SongFeng