【禁闻】上海踩踏事故追责 民指小官顶罪

【新唐人2015年01月22日讯】上海踩踏事故追责 民指小官顶罪









中共喉舌媒体《中国日报》,日前刊登一篇名为“何伟:埃及与中国的比较”的文章,借用美国作家何伟(Peter Hessler)的话,为中共政府和中共体制唱赞歌。



延安商场砍死2人 传凶手斩头狂笑





Shanghai Stampede Investigated – Low Level Officials Blamed

The investigative report into the 36 death stampede at Shanghai on New
Year's Eve is finally released on the 21st day after the tragedy.
January 21, the Chinese Communist Party, Shanghai Government held a
press conference to announce that the stampede tragedy was a major
failure of public security.

They decided to penalize 11 officials, together with Shanghai Huangpu
District secretary Zhou Wei and district chief Peng Song being dismissed
with administrative penalties.

Bund New Year's Eve Stampede Resulted in 36 Deaths, 49 Injured.

The official report states that the punished officials were dining at the
public expense during the stampede resulting in dire consequences.

The Shanghai report caused great concern in the mainland.
People all queried the Shanghai authorities online regarding the
whitewash investigation.

Someone mocked: "Thanks to the Huangpu District government for
using public funds which they used to make scapegoats."

More people accuse the Shanghai authorities of covering up the real
reason for the tragedy and for distracting public attention to some low level
officials and things to avoid a real investigation of those responsible..

Someone also directly pointed out that the Shanghai authorities are trying
to shirk senior level responsibility by making low-level officials
the scapegoat.

The CCP Mouthpiece Accused of Forging Article from a US Writer's

CCP mouthpiece China Daily recently published an article titled:
"He Wei: the comparison between Egypt and China.
It borrowed American writer Hessler (Peter Hessler)'s words to applaud
the Chinese government and the regime.

According to the report in Voice of America, January 20th, Hessler
himself clarified on facebook that he did not publish the article in
China Daily.

He said China Daily reporters interviewed him previously, but they quoted
him out of context and deleted the key conversation content.

Two People Killed in Yan'an Mall - It's Said Murderer Laughed Wildly

January 21 at about 1 pm, an horrific incident occoured at Yan'an City,
grand international shopping center, resulting in two dead and one injured.
According to the U.S. Epoch Times news report, the murderer severed
a head which made a horrific scene.

It's said the incident was because two merchant had a disputed,
which caused the fight. At present, the murderer has been arrested.

The report quoted the witness's micro-blog post saying: the murderer cut
the head off and laughed wildly while carrying it. The scene was horribly

Edit/Zhou Yulin