【禁闻】《一步之遥》内有干坤 解读多样














采访编辑/张天宇 后制/舒灿

The Controversial "Gone With the Bullets"

Renowned Chinese director Jiang Wen's 2014 film
"Gone with the Bullets" was released with polarized comments.
While the majority of audiences complain that they don't
understand the film, some praised it as "stupendous."
Film critics said the various "metaphors" and "satire"
throughout the film are the essence of the film.
Different versions of interpretation are seen on the Internet.

"Gone with the Bullets" (Bullets) was previewed
in Hong Kong on Jan. 14.
It is also the only Chinese film in the Golden Bear competition
for the 65th Berlin International Film Festival.
As much as its reputation is controversial, the film has earned
more than 500 million yuan at the box office.

"Bullets" features events surrounding a beauty pageant.

The leading character Ma Zouri (Jiang Wen) helps his mistress,
a prostitute (Shu Qi) to win the competition.
But the accidental death of Shu made Ma the number one suspect,
and initiated a sequence of wrong conviction, betrayal, killing,
and fleeing.

This simple plot has confused the majority of audiences.

Why? Those who accept the film well, explained,
the film is overloaded with "hidden metaphor",
and "mocking politics".

It is difficult to appreciate the intention of the film
without a certain depth of thinking or empathy.

Commentator Jennifer Zeng: "I saw the movie.
I think there are plenty of obvious implications
throughout the film.
It's intended for you to insinuate and associate with something."

Freelance writer and commentator Wang Zhuantao wrote
in his blog that a trumped-up case is the theme of “Bullets”.

Xiang Feitian, played by Ge You, is a police officer
with ulterior motives.
In order to earn promotion, Xiang labeled his good friend
Ma, the murder suspect.
Through his persistent efforts, a series of tragedies occur
finally leading to Ma's death, as well as his own final promotion.
The plot sounds so much like the many injustice cases in China,
such as Hugejiletu, Nie Shubin, Zhao Zuohai, and so on.
The only difference is that "Bullets" presents the injustice
through theatrical absurdity and exaggeration.

Jennifer Zeng: "Why did they adopt this way?
It is indeed a funny film, but on the other hand, I felt sad.
After 30 years of reform and opening, Chinese artists and
filmmakers are faced with an even tougher situation
than 30 years ago.
There are many realities in modern society,
just like the injustice of Ma Zouri in the film or even worse,
but they can't be pursued in a realistic way,
otherwise, they will be banned."

"Bullets" begins with a large segment of luxurious and explicit
cabaret and prostitute pageant, as an innuendo to the
rampant beauty shows and yellow industry in China today.

The manipulation by Ma and Xiang of the pageant allowing
Shu Qi become the winner of the competition is also hinting
at the various black-box operations and unspoken rules
of pageant shows in China.
The funniest part is when Ma and Xiang announce live
the 2,300 letters of congratulation from the world
praising the pageant show.
People could not help but think of the state media CCTV's
annual Spring Festival "gala show."

Jennifer Zeng: "In the real world, there are said to be
at least 6 million prostitutes in China, some say it's as many
as tens of millions.
The sex industry, or prostitution, has contributed
to double digits of the Chinese GDP.
The entire Chinese society is now saturated with greedy officials,
scandals, sex videos, mistresses, everything of lust and sex.
It is too much to be tolerated!"

Other scenarios being suggested are:

the highest authority Commander-in-chief, Wu, marrying
concubines one after another, is comparable to the
Communist officials who own many mistresses;

people instigated by the government to march and
shout, "We will solve our own issues,"
it is to portray the regime's foreign ministry slogan,
"no other countries to meddle in our internal affairs"
and how people are being exploited by the regime;

the actor who sketched the plot to frame Ma was believed
to be a paradigm of the state mouthpiece CCTV and so forth.

Jennifer Zeng concluded the essence of "Bullets":

the truth was concealed, an illusion was concocted,
public anger was incited, conscience strangled,
integrity trampled, dignity mocked,
and power is worshiped .......
Those who refuse to join the carnival will surely be killed,
the distance between reality and absurdity is as far as one "bullet".

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/ShuCan