















采访/易如 编辑/李谦 后制/萧宇

Hong Kong Judge: Home-Made Milk Powder Phobia is National Humiliation

Two years ago, Hong Kong issued a two-can export limit
on baby milk.

However, the problem of smuggling milk powder
into mainland China has gone unresolved.
Indeed, the problem has worsened.

Wu Huifang, a Hong Kong judge, commented on the issue
as she recently tried a number of the milk powder
export limit violation cases.

Wu believes it is the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP)
national humiliation that its people dare not allow babies
to consume home-made milk powder,
and that it is a sorrowful fact.

In recent years, mainland tourists frequently visit Hong Kong
to purchase "safe food" in bulk.

Some of them secretly smuggle goods into the mainland.
These people are called "parallel traders."

A Radio Free Asia report said that after the export limit
of milk was implemented, most "parallel traders"
were intercepted at the Customs of Lo Wu Station
or Huanggang Port.

Consequently, most milk smuggling cases are tried
at corresponding district courts in Fanling or Tuen Mun.

On Feb. 5, Wu Huifang, a chief adjudicating officer
at Fanling Court, commented on the issue during the trial
of 24 violation cases of the two-can milk powder
export limit law.

Wu said her court tried about 2,700 such cases in 2013,
and the figure surged to over 5,000 in 2014.

Wu mentioned that the situation had not improved
although the court intensified punishment against violators.

Currently, it is very typical to see "parallel traders" crossing
the border with 30 kilos of smuggled baby milk powder.

The situation has gotten out of control, said Wu.

On Feb. 6, Wu again tried 23 cases of smuggled milk powder.

She directly commented during the trial that it is the CCP's
national humiliation that Chinese people are afraid
of consuming home-made milk powder.
She felt sorrowful for the fact.

Sin Chung-kai, HK Legislative Council member, "We all know
the 2008 Chinese Milk Scandal in which infants died
from kidney stones.

Some parents of the baby victims struggled to call relevant
CCP departments to account until they were suppressed
by the authority.
We have to say, this is very saddening for mainland Chinese."

In 2008, mainland China drew global attention
for its home-made toxic milk incident.

Many infants suffered kidney stones or other diseases
after eating milk consisting of melamine,
a toxic industrial chemical.

The incident involved the most renowned milk producers
in China, including Sanlu, Yili, Mengniu and Guangming.

At least 10,000 infants had to receive hospitalization
treatment after consuming toxic milk.

In response, the CCP tried hard to conceal the truth
and even suppressed the victims' families.

Zhao Lianhai, a Beijing resident and parent of kidney stone
baby, began the "Home for Kidney Stone Babies" website
to protect the rights of victims' parents.

Zhao was later sentenced to 2.5 years in prison
by the CCP on charges of "disrupting social order."

The fact is toxic milk powder is only the tip of the iceberg
regarding China's food safety problems.

Mainland China has seen widespread toxic food cases
in recent years.

There are toxic milk powder, toxic rice, gutter oil,
toxic toothpaste, toxic bean sprouts, pork from diseased
pigs, toxic chicken feet, toxic eggs, fake cigarettes and wine,
fake vaccines, toxic toys, and toxic capsules that
are poisonous rather than healing.

Anything can be poisonous and there is almost
no way to guard.

In addition, the CCP's pursuit of GDP growth policy
has resulted in extremely serious pollution.

The quality of soil, water and breathing air
are deteriorating with each passing day.

Sun Wenguang, retired professor at Shandong University:
"The CCP does not care about the environment,
food and air quality.

In many northern Chinese cities, such as Jinan where I live
and which is one of China's top ten most polluted cities,
people don't even want to go out."

Liao Zusheng, a Fujian freelancer, told the Epoch Times that
the CCP's eyes are on money only, and never on morality.

Under the CCP's systematic brainwashing education,
Chinese people also suffered unprecedented moral decline.

In such a situation, it is not really surprising to see
ubiquitous toxic food in China, said Liao.

After the milk scandal broke out, more and more mainland
Chinese turned to Hong Kong to purchase milk powder.

This soon leads to milk shortage for local residents.

On March 1, 2013, HK government issued a law limiting
foreigners from bringing milk powder out of Hong Kong.

An individual is only allowed to bring back milk powder
products of up to 2 cans or 1.8 kilos.
Violators are subjected to fines or detention.

Interview/YiRu Edit/LiQian Post-Production/XiaoYu