对卑诗省长简慧芝6月21日上午关闭Burrard桥作为国际瑜伽场地的决定,招致不少人的反感。她今天早上发出的一则推特(Twitter)更是让人大跌眼镜,称反对者是“瑜伽仇敌” (Yoga Haters)。 省长简慧芝今早发出的一条推特写着:“Hey那些讨厌瑜伽的人,你一定等不及看到国际太极日吧。 ”
Hey Yoga Haters- bet you can't wait for international Tai Chi day. pic.twitter.com/1sEfIwKbG3
— Christy Clark (@christyclarkbc) June 11, 2015
这条推特发出后,简慧芝在星期四的记者会上立即表示,这是个玩笑。开始出现这条帖子,看得大家一头雾水。还以为是她的推特账号被黑客入侵,或者是哪个新手搞错了。 没想到这一条帖子随后并没有撤掉,得到的回应还蛮多的。
@christyclarkbc I was sure this was some sort of parody account. Whichever staffer wrote this tweet should be fired. #BCpoli
— Badger Janzen (@Badger_Janzen) June 11, 2015
@christyclarkbc is this an actual tweet from our premier or has the account been hacked?
— Michael McCubbin (@McCubbinLaw) June 11, 2015
@christyclarkbc are you serious right now? Our premier showing all the maturity of a 12 year old.
— Peter McCartney (@CptClimate) June 11, 2015
@christyclarkbc @CTVLyndaSteele this is completely inappropriate. Mocking tax payers for their legitimate opposition
— Sophia (@soap_4) June 11, 2015