贺年菜式 发财好市汤 财源滚滚来(视频)


冬菇8只 - 8 Chinese mushrooms
蚝豉/金蚝8只 - 8 dried oysters
发菜1两(约40克) - 40g of black moss
鸡粉1茶匙 - 1tsp of chicken powder
生抽1汤匙 - 1tbsp of light soy sauce
生粉1茶匙 - 1tsp of cornstarch
盐半茶匙 - half tsp of salt
蚝油1汤匙 - 1tbsp of oyster sauce
糖1茶匙 - 1tsp of sugar
黑胡椒粉适量 - a pinch of black pepper
金华火腿3片(随意)- 3 slices of Chinese cured ham (optional)
蒜头12个 - 12 cloves of garlic
厚姜块4片 - 4 slices of ginger
红葱头2个 - 2 shallots
麻油1茶匙 - 1tsp of sesame oil
浸泡冬菇的水(400毫升) - 400ml of soaked mushroom water
唐生菜200克 - 200g of Chinese Lettuce
绍兴酒1汤匙 - 1tbsp of Chinese cooking wine
老抽半茶匙 - half tsp of dark soy sauce
胡萝卜花 - Carrot slices for garnish


姜汁1汤匙 - 1tbsp ginger juice
绍兴酒2汤匙 - 2tbsp of Chinese cooking wine


