This is an artist’s representation of a brown dwarf. This class of object is too large to be a planet (and did not form in the same way), but is too small to be a star because it cannot sustain nuclear fusion, since it is less massive than even the smallest stars. A brown dwarf is likely to be marked by wind-driven horizontal bands of thick clouds that may alternate with relatively cloud-free bands, giving the object a striped appearance. Whirling storm systems as big as terrestrial continents, or even small planets, might exist. The name ‘brown dwarf’ is actually a misnomer because the object would typically appear red to the naked eye. It is brightest in infrared light. Many brown dwarfs have binary companions. But as they age, the binary system drifts apart and each dwarf goes its separate way, according to a recent Hubble Space Telescope study. The background stars in this illustration are a science visualisation assembled from the Gaia spacecraft star catalogue. The synthesised stars are accurate in terms of position, brightness, and colour. Because this is not an image of the Milky Way, missing are glowing nebulae and dark dust clouds. [Image description: This artist’s representation shows a brown dwarf, an object more massive than a planet but smaller than a star. The dwarf is a cherry-red sphere. It has horizontal stripes of various shades of red that are cloud bands. In the dark background there are myriad stars that are inside our Milky Way galaxy.]
【新唐人北京时间2024年03月26日讯】美国国家航空航天局(NASA)在最近所进行的调查中发现,有些褐矮星(brown dwarf,或称棕矮星 )孤零零地在太空中独自生存,没有其它褐矮星相伴。这证明了原本成对的褐矮星可能随着时间的推移而“分手”。
NASA藉由其哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)所进行的调查发现,当褐矮星的年龄比较大时,它们比较不可能有其它褐矮星相伴。
这项研究的主要报告撰写人、加拿大蒙特娄大学(Université de Montréal)研究人员方塔尼夫(Clémence Fontanive)说:“我们的调查证实,在质量最小、温度最低的单独褐矮星中,有相距甚远的伴星是非常罕见的,即便我们观测到比较年轻的褐矮星双星系统也是如此。这意味着这种系统无法随时间存续下去。”
参与这项研究的英国爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)研究人员比勒(Beth Biller)补充说:“大多数恒星都有朋友,无论那是双星系统或系外行星。”