【禁聞】李雙江子打人 折射中共軍中亂象

【新唐人2011年9月14日訊】「李雙江子打人」事件持續發酵,在中國大陸鬧得沸沸揚揚。身為少將軍銜的李雙江,把無牌寶馬車交給沒有駕照的兒子李天一駕駛,而且這臺寶馬還被發現有32次的違章記錄,但卻沒有接受任何處罰。評論人士認為, 透過「李雙江子打人」事件,折射出中共軍中的許多亂象。













General』s Son Represents Chaos in Military
The story of “Li Shuangjiang』s son beating up people”
has attracted great attention and raised heated discussions
all over mainland China. Li Shuangjiang, a famous military
singer and ranked major general in the military,
let his son (without a driver』s license) drive unlicensed BMW
which has 32 unpaid traffic tickets associated with it.
The son got away without punishment. Experts see this as
an example of the lawless situation in the Chinese military.

Recently, famous Chinese singer was voted by netizens
as one of the “Four Famous Dads”
for the troubles caused by his son, 15-year-old Li Tianyi.

Around 9 p.m. on September 6, in the Haidian distract
of Beijing, Li Tianyi (driving an unlicensed BMW),
and another driver (in an Audi with plate number O-00888)
got upset when the car in front of them slowed down.
They got out and beat the couple in that car
until the couple was unconscious and bleeding.
The victims were rushed to hospital, getting 11 stitches.
While beating up the couple, the attackers yelled,
“Who dares to call the police?!”
“We will go after whoever calls the police!”
Their actions angered the bystanders, who surrounded
the two when they tried to escape and took them to police.
The fact that Li Tianyi was driving an unlicensed BMW
drew great attention in China.
Many people believe he dared to act this way
because his dad was Major General in the military.
A retired military commander Mr. Liu from Hunan Province

told NTD that no license, fake license or duplicate license
plates are very common in the Chinese military.
Mr. Liu, “(This) definitely exists in the military;
many military vehicles have fake plates.
A friend of mine had a fake plate on his car. It』s illegal,
but this society is 『not ruled by law,』 not much is legal.
I have seen many, even the vice-mayor of a small town
daring to use a military license plate.”
In addition, China』s mainland media reported that this BMW
has 32 unprocessed tickets since January 2011.
According to the law, these tickets will result in a loss of
nine points and RMB5700 (US$891) in fines.
Mr. Liu: “No one dares to stop them. Military vehicles
run through every red traffic light, who dares to stop them;
even police don』t dare to stop them.
However, the police are very harsh on retired soldiers,
because they can』t fight you
when you wear the police uniform.”
Netizens reported that according to the law, Li Shuangjiang
should be punished for letting his son drive without a license.
They think, since he violated the law as a major general,
his military rank should be removed.
Sources claim, due to Li Shuangjiang』s special background,
this incident has reached the highest ranks
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The CCP is trying to silence the media and the public.
Mr. Qu (Retired soldier, Shangdong): “About Mengge
(Li Shuangjiang』s wife) and Li Shuangjiang,
speaking frankly, he is just a singer. Li Shuangjiang and
Song Zuying became generals just for their singing.
Many who went to war, fought with sweat and blood
but did not become generals.
How many years has Li Shuangjiang been a general now?
And for doing what?”
Mr. Liu believes that due to CCP』s “Stability above all” policy,
this incident will simply go under the radar.
Why are all cases of military violating the law
been consistently silenced by the CCP?
Mr. Liu quotes Mao Zedong』s saying,
“Political power comes from the rifle barrel.”
NTD reporters Zhang Lina, Li Qian and Xiao Yu