【禁聞】孫文廣力爭參選 揭中共操縱選舉
















CCP Blocks Prof. Sun’ Election Campaign Again

General elections, held every five years, are now taking place
in China, to elect Chinese Communist Party (CCP) People's Congress deputies at district and county levels.
Retired professor at Shandong University, Sun Wenguang,
is a candidate in these elections.
He gave an election speech on Nov. 28th,
but was obstructed by dozens of plain-clothes policemen.
Despite this, Prof. Sun said he will continue and will use
his experience to expose CCP's despicable tricks of manipulation and controlling the elections.

General elections, held every five years to elect CCP's
People's Congress deputies at district and county levels,
is taking place across China.

Former professor of Shandong University, Sun Wenguang,
participates in the elections』 campaign.
However, he was tracked and blocked by the local police,
and his campaign posters were torn down.

On November 28, Prof. Sun went to speak with the newly
appointed CCP secretary of Shandong University.
He was made to wait over four hours at the office door
of the CCP secretary, who did not show up at all.

That noon, the 70-year-old Prof. Sun went
to the Student Canteen to distribute his business cards.
The students said to him, "We have long wanted to get
to know you, and we will surely support you."
Then seven or eight state security policemen came around
to chase away Prof. Sun.

Prof. Sun: "There were seven or eight state and public
security policemen surrounding me and swearing at me."

Prof. Sun said that in 2007, when he first took part
in the elections, he got votes from over 90% of his students.
Then various destructions interfered with his running in the
elections, the local authorities even threatened students.

In the morning on November 26, Prof. Sun, carried
six display stands and posters to Shandong University.
They had the words, "Against the black-box operation,"
"Strongly protesting male citizens' deprivation of the right to be voted for," "Please vote for Prof. Sun Wenguang," etc..
However, till that noon, all the posters were torn down,
and the display stands were destroyed.

Prof. Sun went again to Shandong University
the next morning to give a speech.
Dozens of plainclothes policemen stood there lining up,
and requesting people's identification documents.
Prof. Sun and his supporters were held up,
despite presenting their ID cards.

After resisting, Prof. Sun was released, however the people
accompanying him were still held up by the police.
Prof. Sun said, authorities mobilized public security
policemen of six branches, just to interfere with him.

Prof. Sun: "Shandong University has six branches. Almost all
their policemen were brought here to oppose the candidates.
They cannot let you run as an independent candidate.

You have to take orders from the CCP,
to elect anyone chosen by the CCP.
If you want to explore things your way,
you』ll be inevitably suppressed by them."

Prof. Sun doesn't have much hope for the elections, but likes
to use his experience to expose CCP's despicable tricks in manipulation and controlling the elections.
Prof. Sun says that the nation belongs to the people,
but the elections are controlled by the CCP.
If all civilians do not run in the elections, the CCP would
see this as holding the whole country in its hands.

Prof. Sun once served as Jinan municipal committee member
of CCP Political Consultative Conference in Shandong Province.
Before retiring, he was director of the Information
Management Department at Shandong University.
During the Cultural Revolution, Prof. Sun was imprisoned
for a long time for his "attacks against Chairman Mao."
On the eve of CCP's 16th Congress, Prof. Sun wrote a letter
to Li Ruihuan, then chairman of CCP's National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,
In the letter he asked the CCP to carry out
democratic changes within the party.

In this year's CCP People's Congress deputy elections many
pro-democracy activists, running as independent candidates, were suppressed and blocked by the CCP authorities..
So far, none of them got the status of a formal candidate.

NTD reporters Dai Jing, Li Yun and Xiao Yan