【禁聞】壓不住的房價 考驗溫家寶承諾













採訪/陳漢 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Rising Housing Prices Test Wen Jia Bao's Promise

Although the Chinese government has repeatedly said,
"never let housing prices rebound,”
according to a report from the National Bureau of
Statistics released on July 18,
25 out of 70 medium and large-sized cities in China,
showed signs of price rebounding in the month of June.
That is an increase of 19 more cities since May.

However, this runs contrary to Wen Jiabao's statement
in Sichuan,
"The current economy has not formed a stable upward trend,
the economic difficulties may continue for some time."
Buyers do not seem to support this.

According to Bloomberg News reports, after developers
have launched new real estate to attract buyers,
residential sales in Beijing surged early 50% in June.

China's largest developer, "Vanke Group,” had 13.3 billion
yuan in contracted sales in June, an increase of 24 percent compared to May.
In June, “Longhu Real Estate Inc”, controlled by the richest
woman in China, Wu Yajun, showed an increase of 36% in sales volume since May.

Although the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has pledged
repeatedly to continue to regulate the real estate market,
home sales and prices have rebounded due to local
governments' relaxation towards some of the purchase limits and the central bank cutting interest rates.

Xie Tian, Professor of Aiken Business School, University
of South Carolina stated that
the Chinese authorities are afraid of China's collapsing
housing prices,
because this will drive the entire country's GDP figures,
the entire country's credit, employment, and inflation problem.
At the same time, China's rich and powerful do not want
to curb housing prices.

Xie Tian: "In China's housing market, its biggest winners
and the biggest vested interest group are China's rich and powerful.
These people have a large amount of houses.

For other Chinese, the housing prices have gone up
to an outrageous, ridiculous level.
The Chinese regime has never tried to
suppress housing prices.
It might want to stop the soaring housing prices
just to ease public opinion and grievances."

Japan's Daily News reported that in order to improve
the economy and ensure financial resources in the midst of economic slowdown,
many local governments privately relax control
of real estate market policies.
In addition, China's central bank cutting interest rates
to ease financial policies also contributed to rising prices in many cities.
Thus, rising prices in the housing market seems to have
renewed the risk of housing bubbles.

Xie Tian believes that China's housing bubble has already
emerged, but the economist Chen Zhifei says that China's property rebound is short lived.

Chen Zhifei: “Looking at the prices now, it is a microcosm
of China's macro economy.
This new round of economic rebound is the Chinese regime's
last resort in desperate circumstances. That is, continuing to invest.
Because domestic demand and foreign trade are both terrible,
from the investment point of view,
promoting national banks to extend loans is to facilitate
a short-lived prosperity in the real estate market."

Chen Zhifei said that the rising property value two years
earlier was only due to hot money from speculation.
Now the hot money has been diversified and it has turned
into the pressure to drive down the housing prices.

Chen Zhifei: “I think this indicates China's economy
has entered into a recession.
Just like China's economic recession, the stability of
the central government cannot be maintained by administrative instructions alone.
By the same token, China's real estate market decline cannot
be decided by an executive's will."

Bloomberg News commented, “The economic growth
or slowdown is a test of Wen's commitment.”
He had pledged to promote growth and to continue
to regulate the real estate market.
Reports cite Wen Jiabao's comments during a visit
to the eastern Jiangsu Province on July 7,
that real estate regulation is in a "critical period",
and the task is still very "difficult."
