【禁聞】舞蹈大賽在即 外界籲胡溫阻止干擾














採訪/田淨 編輯/李謙 後製/朱娣

Hu and Wen Asked to Stop Interfering With NTD Contests

NTD’s 5th International Classical Chinese Dance Competition
will have Asia-Pacific preliminaries in Hong Kong on Aug. 18.
This global event has received continuous interference from CCP,
depriving many Mainland dancers of this precious opportunity.
Dr. Yang Sen, president of World Falun Dafa Association,
recently sent a letter to Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao,
calling on them to prevent such interference from
China’s National Security Bureau.

Dr. Yang Sen wrote in this letter to Hu and Wen: Every year NTD
holds the Classical Chinese Dance Competition in New York.
To facilitate Mainland contestants, this year’s Asia-Pacific
preliminaries will be held in Hong Kong.
Many Mainland dancers plan to participate in this dance competition,
but they encountered interferences when applying for a trip abroad.

Yang Sen said, the mission of the contest is to improve
cultural communication, restore traditional Chinese dance,
and bring ancient Chinese culture back to the world stage.
There is no political factor involved.
He expressed the hope Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao
will look into this so Mainland contestants from Beijing Dance Academy and elsewhere,
can participate in this global contest to communicate
with dancers from Shen Yun Performing Arts.
He hoped this contest will demonstrate the essence of
classical Chinese dance on a world stage.

Prior to this, NTD Dance Competition Committee published
a statement saying since the first NTD Competition in 2007,
CCP had been trying to interfere with a variety of dirty tricks,
they also utilize Mainland China’s media to denounce this art event.

Recently, CCP’s Political and Law Commission issued
special orders to interfere with 5th NTD Dance Competition.
They also banned Mainland contestants
from attending this contest.

Ma Lijuan, Chairperson of NTD International Serial
Competition: “Many Chinese artists hope to show their talents abroad.
We have met many such dancers from Mainland China.

CCP, however, has endeavored to stop them from coming,
resorting to threatening and other dirty tricks.”

Ma pointed out that such despicable practice of CCP’s Politics
and Law Committee will only spark even wider indignation.

Ma Lijuan: “What will be the result of CCP’s interference?
It will only allow more Chinese people to see through CCP’s nature.
At the same time, they will further spread the news about NTD
Dance Competition amongst Mainland artists.”

Recent reports exposed CCP has been tracking and monitoring
many Mainland Chinese dancers who plan to attend the NTD contest.
Some of them meet with problems getting a visa, others have
to give up the plan when CCP required them to serve as spies.

Ma Lijuan said, CCP promotes "philosophy of struggle"
and "Atheism".
It has severely destroyed traditional Chinese culture
with successive political campaigns.
What prevail in today’s China are only the performances
eulogizing CCP, without any artistic purity.
In recent years, Shen Yun Performing Arts has successfully toured
all over the world to restore and promote classical Chinese Dance.
Many Mainland dancers want to participate in this event
to be able to perform on the world's top stage.

Last year (2011), a Mainland dancer was harassed by CCP
when she planned to attend the NTD Vocal Competition.
That experience, however, only made her more determined
to participate in NTD’s vocal competitions.

Ma Lijuan: “Her mother says, ‘Even though we go bankrupt,
we will not live under CCP's rule, or continue to tolerate their suppression.
We want to decide on our future by ourselves. I hope my daughter
will have the opportunity to join Shen Yun Performing Arts.’
Now after all sorts of twists and turns, they have arrived at
New York. We feel very happy for them.”

Ma Lijuan stressed CCP can only succeed temporarily in
preventing people attending the competition.
It can never stop people’s longing for pure art.

Many Mainland dancers told NTD competition committee that
they could only pursue a life of art when they leave China.
Despite CCP’s interference,
they would try their best to come abroad.