【禁聞】中國缺陷嬰兒 每年約90萬人






大陸醫生譚娓:「比如說水質的污染,過度的工業運用,還有鐵礦,煤礦的開採 ,024再就是在轉基食品,中國大陸轉基食品的運用,政府沒有給予嚴格的控制,再一點就是室內裝修,如果裝修的材質不合格,比如說,甲醛、酚鈉等超標的話也會引起新生兒畸形。」









採訪編輯/李韻 後製/肖顏

China Adds 900,000 Birth Defects Cases Yearly

China is a country with "high birth defects rate," declared
Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) Health Ministry recently.
Annually, about 900,000 birth defects cases occur
in about 5.6% of the newborns.
Birth defects are the 2nd leading cause
of infant death in China.
Analysts say the issue has great connections with
growing environmental pollutions and inadequate foods.
The CCP regime is now rife with loss of regulatory function
and collective corruption.
Therefore, it turns a blind eye to the social problems
that jeopardize public health, commentators say.

September 12 is in China
the Day of Preventing Birth Defects.
CCP Health Ministry’s latest report claimed
that China is a country with "high birth defects rate.”
Each year, the birth defects cases in China
increase by around 900,000.

WHO stated that China’s birth defects rate, at about 5.6%,
is close to the average level of middle-income countries.
About 2% of the world’s newborns with birth defects
occur in China, according to the news report.

Among the ranks of causes of Chinese infant death,
birth defects rose to 2nd in 2011 at 19.1%, from 4th in 2000.

What has led to the rise of birth defects cases in China?

Dr. Tan Wei says it has to do with growing environmental
pollutions and widespread toxic foods.

Dr. Tan Wei: "Such as water pollution, excessive
industrialization, excessive mining of iron ore and coal.
Plus the transgenic food,
which hasn’t been put under strict official control.
Another factor is interior home decorating materials.

If decorating material is inadequate, containing excessive
formaldehyde, sodium phenolate and the likes, that can also cause birth defects."

Earlier on, China’s media reported that each year,
over 1,000 babies with birth defects are born in Nanjing city.
Maternal mental stress and house decoration pollution
were reportedly the primary culprits.

Public data shows that one baby is born every 30 seconds
with physical defects. Shanxi Province is a typical case.
In recent years, the region has witnessed groups of birth
defects, caused by pollution of excessive coalmining.

China’s environmentalist Qin Qiang points out that
water pollution is another factor that should not be ignored.
All these are man-made pollutions, Qin Qiang says.

Qin Qiang: “The waste discharged from those fertilizer
plants and paper mills in big cities have never been treated.
Its water contains lead, aluminum and disinfectants,
all of which can lead to cancer.
Aside from the waste water,
food also plays a part.”

Food safety is a growing concern in China in recent years.
A folk song shows how uncontrollable the toxic food is.
It goes, "We eat paraffin oil-polished rice;
we eat DDVP-soaked hams;
we eat salted duck eggs and pepper sauces
that were prettified with oil-soluble dyes (Sudan);
hot-pot vegetables
are preserved with formalin to keep fresh;
tremella and preserved dates
are fumigated with sulfur to look bright;
dried edible fungus are infused with copper sulfate
to gain weight;
and to baby milk powder
they’ve added melamine to lift the protein.”

Qin Qiang says, the public’s criticism of food safety
has flooded websites.
In contrast, the powerful officials’ echelon are enjoying
their special food supplies, thus not caring about food safety.

Qin Qiang: "Vegetables with excessive pesticide or
contaminated water may not harm people immediately.
But it will give rise to long-term health risks.

The authorities haven’t given enough consideration
to this aspect, nor have the average citizens.
So it led to the problem of birth defects."

CCP’s political system is the root cause of this issue,
Dr. Tan Wei concludes.
The CCP regime is rife with loss of regulatory function,
collective corruption, and heated pursuit of money.
It is of no surprise, that it pays no heed to social problems
that endanger public health.
