【禁聞】陸促貿方案盼回春 企業網店尋生路












採訪編輯/梁欣 後製/周天

China's Export Measures 'Only Experimental, Short Term Approach'

One of the main forces of China's economic “troika”—
import and export of foreign goods, continues to decline.
Some medium and small clothing export enterprises
are already struggling to survive in Mainland China.
Cyber stores on internet found its own path in China.

The State Council recently passed export measures
in an attempt to revitalize the continuous slowdown.
However, experts think this is only an experimental,
short term approach, as it is impossible to turn the tide.

Due to the global economic turmoil at the end of 2008,
orders for goods' export in Mainland decreased sharply.
Some Chinese clothing stores moved online, to battle
the market with the development of digital tools.
Taobao.com online store customer service' employee
Mr. Huang confirms the trend.

Mr. Huang: “Recently there are relatively more such cases,
as there is no restriction online, and one can expand sales.”

It seems that medium and small companies in China have
turned to the domestic market for a lack of other options.
Chinese economic expert and Princeton University』 scholar
of sociology, Dr. Cheng Xiaonong analyzes the issue.
Dr. Cheng thinks, export suppliers turning to online trade,
is seizing upon China』s domestic market』s share.

Dr. Chen Xiaonong: “Very few export companies seize upon
it, maybe there will be some results if a mass of them do this.
Yet, that would be impossible, and there』d be a big problem,
because of the economic recession.
The pressure of laying off employees becomes greater,
with the prices going up.
The purchasing power of many white collar workers
who are fans of online shopping, is now decreasing.
Looking at this trend, it does not seem the online
market can maintain a high growth rate every year.”

Earlier, Reuters reported of 20 agencies』 forecast that China』
3rd quarter GDP rate at 7.4% will be the 7th consecutive quarter of decline.
China's State Council have passed a proposal, “Concerns
for Stimulating Foreign Trade's Stable Increase and Other Suggestions” during its executive meeting on the 12th.
The document lists eight policy measures, like speeding up
the export process, addressing credit insurance, reducing the cost of customs clearance, etc.
The measures are an attempt to solve the problems,
that China faces with its foreign trade.

Currently, China is experiencing a drastic decline in export,
and trade dangers both internally, as well as externally.
Independent Chinese economist Gong Shengli analyzes,
Europe and US's economic problems can't be solved quickly.
Yet the way China's enterprises are run now, if compared
to law abiding countries, its costs should be the highest.

Gong Shengli: “From the above two points, China' economic
decline is not a problem that can be solved in a day.
There are a few factors for the high costs in China,
like the high national taxes for example.
Plus, besides the national taxes there are fees, like fines,
government admin fees, and fees in all aspects.”

This year, China's foreign trade have clearly slowed down,
compared to last year, with the slowdown being especially sharp since July.
Gong thinks, China' overall economic decline can』t be turned
around by superficial exports or creating currencies, because the problems stem from the nation's policies.

Gong Shengli: “China has a monopoly over the economy,
all the money, commodities and enterprises are dominated by the Central government.
It is impossible for each province, city and county to have
own policies, they are included in the overall ruling economic birdcage, and are managed uniformly.
Thus in terms of market adjustment,
it is at its historical low.”

As for the eight policy measures which were passed, Gong
said this can be only an experimental, short term approach.
The economy with “Chinese characteristics”
will once again clash with the global market economy.
