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「光霧」是指有毒氣體經過紫外線影響,產生光化學反應後的一種煙霧狀大氣污染。主要發生於夏天空氣流動性差、日光照射強的時段,危險程度可能超過霧霾。據專家研究,光霧可以讓人短時間內死亡。 1943年5月至10月,美國洛杉磯的「光霧事件」,曾奪去了400多人的生命。


Activist Joint Signature Campaign

The 12th CCP National People's
Congress (NPC) closed on March 18.
More human rights activists in China have
called on the NPC to ratify International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

BBC Chinese website reported that now over
600 human rights activists have signed the petition.
On March 18, organizers promoting the petition
have also launched a joint signing website
and e-mail campaign to invite people to join.

The first group of petitioners included Liang Wendao,
and former entrepreneur Ren Zhiqiang.
Beijing scholars Cui Weiping, He Weifang and Xu Youyu,
as well as Sichuan scholar Ran Yunfei also signed.
There are now more scholars and
public intellectuals joining the petition.
This includes professor Du Guang in the CCP Central
Committee Party School and former Director
Du Daozheng of Press and Publication Administration.
Hong Kong scholars Pan Yi, Chow Po- Chung,
Chen Jianmin are also in the list of signatories.

Hong Kong Contend magazine has said that

in recent years, many incidents involving firearms
have occurred in China, and caused casualties.
The Chinese authorities are worried that it may trigger
social unrest, so have not announced this publicly.

End of year reports from 2012 from the Ministry of Public
Security have indicated about the rise of armed groups.
13 regions in Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan, and
Yunnan Provinces had underground armed organizations.
The groups activities are specifically against
local police, armed police and duty team.

Helicopter Banners Used in Protest

On March 18, freight drivers in Hanyang Arsenal
in Wuhan, Hubei Province, went on strike.
They were protesting the government's ban on
large trucks transporting steel through the city.
The protest crowds not only held banners on the road, but
also displayed banners from a helicopter hovering in the air.

According to Epoch Times News Network,
protesters used more than thirty large
trucks to block the gates of the arsenal.
Hundreds of people held banners in the streets to
protest, causing traffic disruption on Qintai Avenue.

It is reported that the workers in the production
of weapons also displayed banners by helicopter.
This attracted a large crowd of onlookers.

Meanwhile, dozens of police cars and more than
one hundred riot police surrounded the scene.
There were some conflicts between the police and the public.

In the end, the authorities compromised, promising to deal
with the requirements of the drivers as soon as possible.

Toxic Optical Haze Occurs in China

According to Boxun network, fatal optical haze events
occurred in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province last August.
It caused at least 8 deaths. There was
an official blackout for any news about this.
The study results of the relevant departments
showed that there will be several cities, including
Beijing, that may have optical haze events.
This warning was also released by
environmental protection departments.

Optical haze refers to a smoke-like
atmospheric pollution of toxic gas.
This gas undergoes a photochemical reaction with ultraviolet.

It mainly happens with poor air circulation,
and sunlight is strong during summer.
Its degree of risk is likely to exceed pollution haze.

According to expert studies, haze could
cause deaths within a short period of time.
From May to October in 1943, optical haze events in
Los Angeles claimed the lives of more than 400 people.