
【新唐人2013年06月18日訊】 律師看守所會見自由作家杜斌


















Attorney Met Du Bin In Detention Center

Du Bin, a freelance writer being detained in jail,
met with attorneys Pu Zhiqiang and Zhou Ze on June 17
in Fengtai District Detention Center in Beijing.

Human rights activist Hu Jia in China,
said on Twitter that
Du Bin is in good spirits, calling imprisonment
a life experience.
He also provided psychological counseling
for people in the same detention room.

Hu said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
accused Du Bin of the crime of disturbance.
This was due to his new book, Tiananmen Square Massacre
and the documentary, Women on the Devil's Head, as well
as other writings, which was said by the Party to be causing
disturbance in the society (by reveling the truth).

The State Council in China recently announced
ten new measures to control pollution.
They claimed to reduce emissions of heavily polluting
industries by 30% before 2017.
Overseas media analysts commented that it is the grievances
in China which brought these measures forward.

The UK Independent newspaper published
an article on June 17 which analyzed that
introducing new measures to control pollution,
development of specific emission reduction targets, etc.
are all to pacify the Chinese people
on the issue of pollution.

Especially China's growing urban middle class residents,
become more dare to show discontent to choking air.

It is reported that peoples' conscious minds
are now awake to industrial pollution,
becoming a fuse affecting China's social stability
as pollution issues caused more and more protests.

It is reported that among the world's 20 most polluted cities,
China accounted for 16 cities.

Arrested For Sending July 4 Pictures

Gu Yimin, from Changshu, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province was
recently arrested on the charge of inciting subversion of state power by Changshu procuratorate.
He had applied for a parade for the June 4 event
and then forwarded pictures
On June 2, Gu Yimin was detained by the government
in Changshu on the same charge.

On April 29, Gu Yimin was also on bail by the authorities
in the charge of inciting subversion of state power.
This was for acting to commemorate the Beijing University
Talent Lin Zhao,

Police Arrest 23 Villagers In Xinjiang

In Urumqi, Xinjiang, the authorities sent hundreds of special
police, and broke into Dongzhuangzi Village in Gaoxin District.
They arrested 23 villager representatives, accusing
them of petitioning illegally because of land issues.
Some were injured by police.

Radio Free Asia reported from local villagers that

dozens of their representatives in Dongzhuangzi Village
went to petition the district government regarding
land compensation money
which was embezzled by village officials.
The district government leaders told villagers
to return home to wait for an investigation.
Instead hundreds of police came to arrest the villagers.

Some villagers were also accused of taking the lead to petition,
and were put in administrative detention for 10 days.

It is reported that a large number of police went to the village
that night, broke into houses and arrested the occupants.
A 70-year-old man was taken away and some villagers
were wounded during the arrest.