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July 10 is the first day of the US
China Strategic Economic Dialogue.
On the patio and office entrance, someone had scrawled
three large characters, depicting the work “demolished”.
U.S. media reported that it may have been organized
to use graffiti for the widespread protests against
the demolition of residential areas across China.

According to reports, the Chinese Consulate soon
discovered this, and hastily sent for it to be cleaned up.
Before it could be removed, photos were taken.

This photos were posted to microblogs in
China, attracting large numbers of followers.

Someone re- constructed the original image,
and added two words on the upper left corner.
They also added CNM newspaper on the upper right
corner; and added several “demolished” characters
with red circles on the front wall of the Chinese
Consulate, with multiple advertisements around it.

In the altered photo, they also added two
women and one man, appearing like a family.
The man sat in a wheelchair, holding a placard
of "violent demolitions create homelessness".
The victim's phone number was also depicted
on the ground.

These photos were appreciated by many netizens.

Some media quoted a netizen posting,
saying Demolition! Demolition! Demolition!
Demolished ancestral inheritance, cultural heritage,
people's livelihoods, and the nation's future.
All went into pockets of corrupt officials.

In recent years, conflicts caused by illegal land
acquisitions and resettlement have intensified in China.
Almost every day, there are tragedies
caused by land acquisition and resettlement.

Working Environment for Foreign Reporters in China Worsens

The Foreign Correspondents' Club in China (FCCC) released
it's Annual Report on the working environment inside China.
It indicates that in the past year, the Chinese
regime had been increasingly escalating threats
and intimidations towards foreign reporters.

According to Voice of America, the FCCC commented
on July 10, about a survey conducted in May this year.
It showed that about 70% of the respondents believed
that foreign correspondents in China had a poor working
environment, and was even worse than last year.
98% of respondents believed that foreign correspondents
working environment did not meet international standards.

The report also listed some aspects that
concerned the Foreign Correspondents' Club.
These included the Chinese regime
threatening reporters who offended them.
It also included hacker attacks on foreign
reporters, and harassing information sources.

Forced Demolitions Continue in Shandong Province

Recently, demolition personnel in Shandong
Province forcibly seized a baby girl from a
family, who refused to vacate their property.
This act forced the family to compromise.

According to Radio Free Asia on the incident.

On July 11, in Xiguan St, Sishui County, Shandong Province,

violence was used to forcibly remove Feng Li and her family
from their home, so it could be demolished by the government.
Four family members were forcibly taken away and detained
by demolition personnel, and seriously injured in beatings.
Her 14-month-old granddaughter was also forcibly
taken away by an officer, to force them to compromise.

In addition, there are people in Nanjing, Jiangsu
Province who faced violence during forced demolition.
A netizen sent a message on a microblog that her
68-year-old mother was forcibly covered with cloth
and taken away by personnel on Sunday from her home.

The demolition crew immediately destroyed all the furniture.