【禁聞】地方政府發債500億 風險誰擔



















採訪/陳漢 編輯宋風 後製/鍾元

Who Is At Risk? Four Local Chinese Governments Release 50 Billion Bonds

The Department of Finance in Shandong Province stated
11.2 billion Yuan of local bonds will be issued on August 23.
Currently, the published total of self-issued bonds
from only four provinces have reached 50 billion Yuan.
The form and scale of these bonds is record breaking.

However, along with huge government debts, the public
are concerned about who will bear the risk for the bonds.

Local bonds in Shandong Province are divided
into 5-year and 7-year fixed-rate varieties,
with a planed amount of 5.6 billion Yuan.

August 23 will see tenders released, and on the
26, it will start issuing interest bearing bonds.

In addition, according to the information, a
new pilot this year for self-issued bonds in
Jiangsu Province has issued 15.3 billion Yuan.
The amount of Guangdong Province local government
bonds this year is 12.1 billion Yuan (excluding Shenzhen).
This increased significantly by
40.7% compared with last year.
The amount for Shanghai is 11.2 billion Yuan.

reports that, only these four
provinces have self-issued bonds of 49.8 billion Yuan.
This is much higher than 29.8 billion Yuan last year.

However, the recent rapid growth in the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) local government bonds' has gathered attention.

The CCP National Audit Office (NAO)'s audit gives
details of 36 local governments' debt since 2011.
It indicates that up until the end of 2012, the debt for these
36 local governments amounted to 3.85 trillion Yuan.
In May this year, the CCP NAO Vice General Auditor
Dong Dasheng estimated that, local governments'
total debt will be around 15 to 18 trillion Yuan.
The former CCP Finance Minister Xiang Huaicheng said
local debt is estimated to be more than 20 trillion Yuan.
Foreign experts have given a number of over 40 trillion Yuan.

If according to Barclays Capital estimates,
it may have reached up to 50 trillion Yuan.

reports that among China's "Hundred
Counties", 71 issue bonds through a financing platform.
In total, there were 138 bonds financing 148.38 billion Yuan.
In addition, there was a total of 170.88 billion trust financing.

Feng Xiangyuan, Deputy Director of Beijing Tianze Institute
of Economics: "In general throughout the country,
borrowing for repaying is very severe.
For example, in 2010, Jiangsu Province's total debt was
12 times the local government revenue, which is very high."

According to public information, many local
governments have entered a debt payment period.
Some local governments' debts from the
financing platform is much higher than the
guarantee level of their finance land revenue.
If they continue to borrow, the risk
will become greater and greater.

However, local governments' investment
plans are very unbelievable.

Last July, Changsha in Hunan announced that 829.2 billion
Yuan will be invested in construction and industrial projects.
Last August, Guizhou Province launched a 3 trillion
Yuan stimulus plan, but in 2011, their yearly fiscal
revenue was only 133 billion Yuan.
Changsha City's local annual fiscal
revenue is only 66.8 billion Yuan.

Duan Shaoyi, an economics expert, said that this is the
result of local governments' spending money without
public supervision, and lacking relevant legal binding.

Duan Shaoyi: "Every government
official wishes to spend more money.
Besides, the debt from one government
can be passed to the next government."

Feng Xiangyuan points out that the periodical change of
local governments offers the opportunities to delay debts
of some investment enterprises or construction teams.
Now the local governments can still rely on
the bank's financial trust funds for finance,
while other channels are very difficult to reach.

However, Duan Xingyuan thinks that, based on the current
economic situation, the CCP authority plans to use 4 trillion
Yuan of investments to stimulate economic development.

Well-known economist Lang Xianping
recently commented in an article.
In 2008, the "Four Trillion Investments"
created many "Ghost Towns", such as Ordos.
It created a dramatic increase in local governments' debts.

At the end of last year, only 1 trillion
was repaid out the 4 trillion Yuan.
The commercial banks had to agree on the local
governments' delay in repaying the other 3 trillion Yuan.

Duan Shaoyi: "In China, as long as the CCP governs,
local governments cannot become easily bankrupt.
This because the state can issue bank notes, dilute the
Value of currency, and cut interest to repay the debts."

Duan Shaoyi further explains that to evaporate people's
money is basically stealing money, which is banditry.
This makes the people distrust the government,
and will generate an economic bubble.