






美國國務院國際信息局(U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Information Programs)出版物——《獨立新聞工作手冊》(Handbook of Independent Journalism)中提到,新聞工作的第一職責是符合事實﹔獨立於報導對像﹔成為權力的獨立監督者﹔必須能夠根據他們的個人良知行事等。這些信條被民主社會裡的新聞工作者所遵行。











採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

Journalism Self-discipline?
Journalist: China does not need reporters.

China recently set up 5 pilot stations for
Journalism Ethics and Self-Discipline Committee.
A senior Chinese journalist comments that the news agencies
are the CCP front in China.
Those who reported true news are often faced with tragedy.

As for the "self-discipline", it is stated: China does not
need journalists, but official statement.

According to Changjiang Daily, All-China Journalists'
Association are in the process of organizing the
Journalism Ethics and Self-Discipline Committee.

So far, 5 pilot stations have been set up in Shanghai,
Zhejiang, Hebei, Shandong and Hubei.

Huang Liangtian, former chief editor of Beijing Baixing magazine:
There is a professional ethics standard for reporters
around the world.

The regime disciplines every reporter to speak the same.
Why do we need reporters?
A statement will take care of it.

More than 90% of Sina microblogging users criticized
the so-called self-discipline committee.

Huang Liangtian: Journalists who reported along
the policy gaps often met tragedy.
Take myself as an example,
I have been marginalized.
I can't host news or any program.
The Communist regime has blocked every possible channel.

Baixing magazine is a monthly magazine under the
Ministry of Agriculture.
When Huang Liangtian was leading the magazine,
the authorities carried out harassment and purge against
the magazine due to reports on sensitive issues such as
land acquisition and forced demolition.
At the end of 2006, Huang Liangtian was suddenly removed
from the magazine's editor position.
The authorities claimed it was a rotation.

An insider revealed that he was removed
to change the magazine style.
Huang Liangtian, who arranged the Agricultural Market Weekly,
was no longer involved in social news.

According to the Handbook of Independent Journalism,
published by the US Department of State's Bureau of
International Information Programs:
Journalism's first obligation is to tell the truth.
Its practitioners must maintain an independence
from those they cover.
Journalism must serve as an independent monitor of power.

Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise
their personal conscience.
These are clear principles that journalists
in a democratic society agree on.

Huang Liangtian: The mainland reporters are
different from others.
In China, journalists are defined as workers of
the Communist party.
They are the party's mouthpiece, and may only
speak what's allowed.

A reporter's duty is to supervise the authority
and expose the ugly.
In China, such reporters will only become suppressed.

Chou Ziming, a journalist from the Economic Observer,
became wanted online in July 2010, by the Zhejiang police
for reporting the insider trading of a listed company, Kane,
located in Zhejiang.

2012, Xi'an Evening News reporter Shi Junrong was suspended
due to his report on "expensive cigarettes."

This March, citizen reporter Li Jianjun experienced a
house search and police questioning for nearly 24 hours
due to his online post, which exposed the corrupt
water sector in the Shanxi Province.

Guangzhou Xinquai News reporter Liu Hu exposed
the serious dereliction of duty of current deputy of
State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Ma Zhengqi,
on 29th July through personal microblogging.
On 10th October, Liu Hu was arrested on the charge of libel.

Wang Keqin, former Economic Observer investigative reporter,
has been through multiple persecutions.
He was reluctant to say much during his interview with NTD.

Wang Keqin, former Economic Observer investigative reporter:
It is the reporter's duty to tell the truth and report on the facts.
It is not convenient for me to say anything now.
I am no longer a reporter.

Wang Keqin began as a reporter for
Gansu Economic Daily in 1989.
Since September 2011, he joined the Economic Observer
as an editorial assistant.
His series of investigative reports such as
the "shady Beijing taxi industry monopoly" and
"Investigation of the chaotic vaccines in Shanxi" have won
him the title, "the first whistle-blowing reporter in China".

This March, Wang Keqin was reportedly removed
from the Economic Observer.
He posted a Sina blog on the day he left his work:

In contemporary China, there are many who endorse the
powerful, but few speak out for the public.