【禁聞】三中成立兩組織 能解決甚麼?










江西南昌八旬老人:「實際上我不交黨費可能已經十年了。後來我已經看到了真相以後,翻牆上網了以後,那就很清楚了,所以我就下決心一定要退掉它。 」






採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

Will Chinese Regime Third Plenum Outcomes Resolve Anything?

The work report from the Third Plenum revealed
two new organizations; a state security committee,
and a team to comprehensively deepen reforms.

These two organizations are believed to aid
redistribution of internal power and wealth.
The state security committee is generally considered to
be a KGB like organ, targeting domestic Chinese people.
Can the communist regime solve internal and
external threats and overcome internal instability?
Let's see our report.

Prior to the Third Plenum, the communist regime
spoke extensively about comprehensive reforms.
After the meeting, the regime has revealed
the establishment of two new organizations.
It is said that the state security committee
will consist of members from many sources.

This includes; Foreign Ministry, Defense Ministry,
Army General Staff, Ministry of Public Security,
Ministry of State Security, Ministry of Commerce,
and the Central Propaganda Department.
It will also include the International Liaison Department
of Hong Kong and Macao, the Liaison Office, State Council
Taiwan Affairs Office, and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office.

Li Wei is director of the Chinese
anti-terrorism research center.
Li Wei told the Beijing Youth Daily that the state
security committee, which is the highest security
policy maker, should be led by the state leader.

It should be composed of members from the diplomat,
public security, army, transportation, health, and civil services.
To ensure efficiency, there should be offices working
underneath the umbrella of the state security committee.

Xia Ming, political science professor, City University,
New York: "A state security committee will deal with
issues such as overseas threats to domestic instability.
It will become a centralized power in charge of
the army, politics, economy, ideological threats,
ethnicity, religion, and academic freedom."

He Junqiao, commentator: "The superiority of the party,
the regime, and now with a state security committee.
What exactly is it's intention, to develop into
a giant monster that swallows everything?"

It is said in Beijing that every policy only acts to
save the regime, and prevent the party from collapse.

The Financial Times published an article in late September,
entitled "How long can the Communist Party survive in China?"
One Party school professor who asked to remain
anonymous, was quoted as saying, "to be honest,
this is a question that everyone in China is asking."

Chinese citizen: "All of the Chinese people are… I'll
give you an analogy, are like a dry pyre, and as long
as one is lit, the Communist Party would be finished."

Chinese citizen: "I hate the CCP. They are
simply amoral, committing the most horrid
crimes by hurting many innocent people.
They are evil, evil with crimes that are too numerous to count.
Throughout the history of humanity,
the CCP's evilness is incomparable."

Elderly Nanchang citizen: "Actually, I have
not paid my CCP membership for 10 years.
When I saw the truth from the internet over the firewall,
it became very clear, I had to withdraw from it."

In recent years, Chinese tourists are increasingly
visiting tourist destinations all over the world.
The campaign to encourage people to withdraw
from the CCP, and its associated organizations, has
also become a focus at these tourist destinations.

Chinese citizen: "I have wanted to withdraw
for a long time. I wanted to do it urgently.
This September, I was in Hong Kong. I support
freedom in Hong Kong, and I won't follow the CCP."

Before the campaign to withdraw the CCP
and its associated organizations was imitated
overseas, former CCP high officials withdrew.

This included Mao's successor, Hua Guofeng,
former CCP General Secretary Zhao Ziyang,
and former Chinese Vice President Rong Yiren.

Chinese people participated in the withdrawal campaign
through the Epoch Times on-line "Quit the CCP" website.
Numbers have currently exceeded 150 million.

In addition, it is reported that top officials have
predominantly moved their relatives overseas.
More than 90% of the party Central Committee
have immediate family members living abroad .

The book, "2014 Big Collapse", which was published
in Hong Kong earlier this year, cites a top-secret report
from the party's central emergency response team.

It states that, "the Chinese Communist Party is bound to fall."

This report describes the how the CCP will collapse.

It draws attention to economic collapse, corporate
bankrupcy, ghost cities, prevalent theft, dramatic
social unrest, and street revolutions breaking out.

Interview & Edit/Liu Hui Post-Production/XiaoYu