



中共黨媒「輕馬航事件」 遭質疑




中共工作組開微博 被批太官腔





陸媒報導昆明血案 前後矛盾





Investigators are looking for the key evidence of lost Malaysia flight.

Few days after Malaysia flight lost, 20 airplanes and more than
40 ships from 10 countries are still searching on the South Sea.
Currently, there is no any clue for the sudden lost airplane.

Investigators said they were looking for two important evidences:
one is the so-called black box, the other is the aircraft debris.
Experts said all discussions are just guessing unless they find two evidences.

People questioned CCP mouthpiece’s ignoring the lost Malaysia flight

When global media constantly focused on the lost Malaysia
flight, the CCP "CCTV News" is still heavily reported "two
sessions" and only mentioned air incident at ends.

During the entire 30 minutes news, "two sessions" occupied 27
minutes, Malaysia Airlines only took 2 minutes.

Some netizens questioned why CCTV news doesn’t put the
rescues of Malaysia flight as headlines?
Is there anything more important than one hundred lives?

US "New York Times" has analyzed in an article that CCP
handled Malaysia Airline incident in this way is because they
want to make sure the tragedy that shocked all Chinese people
will not disturb Beijing National People's Congress annual
session with despair and anger all over the country.

CCP working group’s microblog is criticized too bureaucracy.

The Malaysia Airlines incident microblog, opened by Chinese
government, was critized too bureaucracy because of CCP’s official jargon.

March 11, under the new Chinese government work group
microblog account, the first micro-Bo said, nine Chinese
passengers family members arrived in Kuala Lumpur airport
under the assistant of the Malaysian in the morning of the 11th.
The second one said in the afternoon, work groups and embassy
staff started to work in emergency center of Kuala Lumpur airport.

Netizen "Moe Beibi _ChanYEOL" joked: "People's Daily"
doesn’t speak in such official.

Netizen "Dige DZ" said: you simply close this official microblog.

...... this message is so stupid. Is there any more silly official
message to cause the anger?

It is inconsistent for the mainland media report on Kunming murder.

Mainland "Caixin" website disclosed on March 11 that, in
Kunming murder, in addition to the four deaths and one injured
on spot, the rest three people were arrested on Feb 27 in
Shadian county.

However, after Kunming murder occurred on March 1, the CCP
mouthpiece "Xinhua News Agency" announced that the murder
had been solved on March 3.

There were total 8 people in the gang; four of them were shot
and a injured one arrested on spot; the remaining three have
been arrested.

Some netizens pointed out that it’s inconsistent in CCP’s coverage.

A witness said there were more than 10 people; but the news
reported 8 people including 3 male and 1 female dead, another female
arrested and 3 escaped.

After few days, it was said the escaped three people were arrested.
Now they said the three people were arrested because of other sin
before that day.

Whether the final three people are out without foundation?
Or there was only 5 crimes in Kunming murder?

Edit/Zhou Yulin