【禁聞】地方債推動國企私有化 專家詰掠奪



報導引述世界銀行前官員、中國局局長杜大偉(David Dollar)的話說,大陸部分地方政府過度舉債,難以償還,地方債問題是私有化的重要推手。













採訪編輯/易如 後製/舒燦

Privatization of State-Owned Enterprises To Resolve
Local Debts Or To Plunder People’s Wealth?

In 1998, the CCP launched the first round
of state-owned enterprises (SOE) privatization.

Consequently, Central SOEs became powerful monopolies
in their relevant industries.

But, local SOEs were not so lucky.

Recently, foreign media reported that local debts
have pushed another round of SOE privatization..

Critics comment that the CCP had led the Chinese economy
to the verge of collapse, and is now manipulating
the privatization of SOEs to grab wealth.

British Financial Times (FT) reported that China is pushing
a fresh round of SOE privatization.

It is local governments’ debt behind this privatization
compared to the one promoted nearly two decades ago.

FT quoted, "Local government debt problems
will be an important driving force of SOE privatization,"
says David Dollar, former World Bank country director
for China.

Selling stakes in locally owned SOEs will help local
governments pay down more than $2.9tn in debt, equivalent
to 58 percent of gross domestic product, added FT.

Professor Frank Xie of Business School, University of South
Carolina Aiken: "Local governments engage in privatization
of local SOEs to have people to pay for their debts so that
they can drive the GDP."

Professor Frank Xie believes the second round of SOE
privatization serves the same purpose as that of the first

That is to fish out a quick buck, leave the deficit and mess
to the people and ruin the economy.

The CCP conducted economic reform in 1978 to save
its ruling power from the Chinese economic collapse.

The SOEs reform started in 1992 after Deng Xiaoping's
southern tour.

The SOEs went through breaking the "iron rice bowl"
or job security trend.

The following unemployment quickly turned
into a social crisis.

The CCP Labor Department data showed laid off accumulated
from 3 million in 1993 to 17.14 million people in 1998.

In 1996, SOE losses reached an unprecedented level.
The same year, many SOEs became listed companies.

The two major stock markets became a tool to transfer wealth
to the listed SOEs.

The listings did not improve the general loss and high debts
of SOEs.

In 1997, the SOEs continued to deteriorate.

To overcome adversity, CCP started the first privatization
of SOEs in 1998.

This reform did not benefit the people.

Data shows that from 1998 to 2000, the number
of unemployed workers in SOEs reached 21.37 million,
at a growth rate of six million per year.

In those three years, the CCP exploited national assets to save
SOEs by writing off a total of 126.1 billion yuan of bad
loans, turning 405 billion yuan of debts into stocks,
stripping 1.3 trillion yuan of bad assets from SOEs.

Meanwhile, 307 SOEs had the priority to be listed to raise
272.3 billion yuan of funds while 22 SOEs
were listed overseas.

Chief economic researcher of Beijing think tank,
Gong Shengli, indicates that SOEs at all levels, from
the Central to local, occupied monopoly status during
the privatization process.

Gong Shengli: "The electricity, banking, water conservancy,
land, many are state-owned monopolies.

Its monopoly is not just in the market, but also in the capital
and the industrial chain.
The SMEs below it are almost deserted."

Frank Xie: "Since the establishment of its regime up until
the Cultural Revolution, when the CCP led the Chinese
economy to the brink of collapse, it realized the privatization
will allow for competition, and the officials
to abuse power for private spoils."

Frank Xie indicates the CCP regime will never loosen its grip
on the economy or allow the people to protect their interests.

Interview & Edit/YiRu Post-Production/ShuCai