






















採訪/朱智善 編輯/尚燕 後製/肖顏

Liang Guanglie: Central Military Commission Discuss
Live Organ Harvesting

The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of
Falun Gong (WOIPFG) based in US, have released a new
investigation report on Oct. 21.

The report contains investigation and evidence collection
through phone calls from the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP)
former Defense Minister, Liang Guanglie.

Other officials contained in the report include former member
of the Politburo Standing Committee, Zeng Qinghong
and former Vice Chairman of
the Central Military Commission(CMC), Guo Boxiong.

Liang Guanglie had admitted, the CMC held meetings to discuss
matters relating to military hospitals live harvesting of
Falun Gong practitioners' organs, and said the investigator
should ask the General Logistics Department.

[Recording]Investigator: We have a few short questions
to ask you.

Wang Lijun gave us new information recently, he once
cooperated with military hospitals, to conduct research
on organ transplant surgery using the organs from
imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners.

We would like you to tell us the situation of those military
hospitals using imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners' organs
to conduct organ transplants.

Liang Guanglie: There are two things I must tell you,
firstly, I am overseas, so I cannot confirm your identity
through this phone call.

Investigator: Hmm.

Liang Guanglie: Secondly, I am not in charge of the
matter you are talking about.

Investigator: So does the General Logistics Department
take charge of this?

Liang Guanglie: Then you need to ask them who the
person in charge is.

Investigator: Did you hear about this when you were the
Chief of General Staff?

Liang Guanglie: Yes, I did, I am in charge of military work,
not these logistics matters.

This is a recording of a phone investigation, conducted by
an investigator from WOIPFG on Liang Guanglie, the former
Defense Minister, member of CMC, during his visit to the US on
May 4th to the 10th the year before last.

In this recording, Liang Guanglie stated, CMC had meetings
to discuss matters relating to live harvesting
Falun Gong practitioners' organs for organ transplant.
[Recording] Investigator: If at that time the troops were
responsible for taking charge of organ's providers, then this…

Liang Guanglie: I have heard of this thing.

Investigator: Did CMC discuss this matter during the meeting?

Liang Guanglie: They discussed this matter.

Public information shows, Liang Guanglie has served as a
member of the CPC since 2003.

2003 is also the year in which the CCP started to be alleged
of organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners by
human rights organizations.

The spokeman of WOIPFG, Wang Zhiyuan: He knows about this
thing, the existence of this thing is confirmed by him.

In addition, this matter had been discussed at CMC meetings,
meaning the CMC and these senior officials all know about it.

This means the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong
practitioners has not randomly happened, but is a national
massacre carried out by the government and
the highest CCP authorities.

It was learnt that the logistical department Liang Guanglie
mentioned on the phone, is the General Logistics Department.

WOIPFG also published the investigation recording of
Bai Shuzhong, former Minister of Health for the
General Logistics Department, in the same report.

Bai Shuzhong had admitted, when he was the minister that he
received Jiang Zemin's order, to conduct live organ
harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners for organ transplants.

Affairs commentator, Lan Shu: For organ transplants in China,
more than 90 percent of organs are from the army and
armed police systems.

Public hospitals basically do not have sources of organs,
Chinese people generally follow the traditional customs,
and are not willing to donate organ.

Army and armed police system made a fortune in the
process, but these are ill-gotten gains.

Wang Zhiyuan: It is a systemic arrangement, having a systemic
arrangement in such a big nation, the number will certainly
be very shocking.

It is an extremely serious matter.

According to the investigation report, Falun Gong
Practitioners are systematically murdered for their organs,
refuting the Chinese Regime's 'Death Row' Explanation
that was published on Minghui Net.

The number of organ transplants in China had a sudden
exponential increase from 2003 to 2006.

In addition, other countries have a waiting period of two to
three years for matching organs, some hospitals in China have
an average period of just one to two weeks at that time.

This is difficult to achieve with just organs
from executed prisoners.

Those years are also the period in which the CCP been accused
of conducting large scale live organ harvesting of
Falun Gong practitioners.

The CCP has given no explanation so far.

Interview/ Zhu Zhishan Edit/ ShangYanPost-Production/ XiaoYan