【禁聞】中共出臺新規定 數百律師聯署抗議
















採訪/易如 編輯/李謙

More than 500 Lawyers Signed a Public Letter in Protest Of Injustice Law Amendment

Recently, more than 500 Chinese lawyers jointly signed
a public letter demanding changes
to a criminal law amendment.

The amendment draft, which makes changes
to the definition of the "disrupting court order" crime,
was announced by the National People's Congress (NPC)
this month.
The letter states that the ambiguity in the proposed
amendment can be used as a tool of power abuse
by governmental officials.

Rights lawyers will be more easily silenced
or even arrested.
Let’s look at the following report.

On Nov. 3, the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) NPC
released on its website "the Ninth (Draft) Amendments
to the Criminal Law".

In Article 35, the draft makes changes to definition
of the crime "disrupting court order".
It adds, "insulting, defaming, or threatening a judicial officer
or participant to the litigation" and "engaging in other acts
that seriously disrupt the order of the court"
to the circumstances covered under the crime.

The changes were soon questioned and protested
by Chinese lawyers upon release.
Lawyers said the language of the new terms
are too ambiguous.
This can easily lead to abuse in mainland China where judicial
justice is lacking and judges follow party officials' orders.
The already severely restricted rights of defense lawyers
will be further oppressed.

Sui Muqing, Guangdong right lawyer: "This term is obviously
directed against rights lawyers, as it can be easily used
to convict us of such crime.

For example, you may be put into prison as long as they claim
any of your speech is a threat or insult to judicial officers."

Sui Muqing has signed the joint public letter.

Sui said the reality is, sometimes lawyers are not even
allowed to say anything in a CCP court trial,
especially for a case involving public power.

If lawyers challenge the judge, this usually leads
to verbal conflicts.
According to the new term in the NPC amendment,
now CCP courts can easily sentence any lawyer
who verbally challenges them.

Sui Muqing: "As rights lawyers, there is no way
we can accept it.
Otherwise the only thing we can do in the future
is to do whatever the CCP asks or be prepared
to be put into prison.

Without any effective constraint over public power,
such an amendment is simply a great retrogression
in rule of the law."

A Deutsche Welle report quoting AFP said organized
protest by hundreds of lawyers is rarely seen in China.
The letter, with 529 lawyer signatures,
has been delivered to the NPC.

Zhang Zanning, professor of law at Southeast University,
China: "Lawyers and procurators should be equal
in legal status.

Lawyers should have all rights that procurators have.

However, the amended criminal law adds many injustice
terms that make constraints over lawyers only."

Zhang Zanning said that besides rights of defense, lawyers'
rights of enquiry are also greatly constricted.
Any enquiry by lawyers has to be approved
by procuratorates, which is horribly ridiculous.

Zhu Aimin, a lawyer at Beijing Hengzhuo Law Firm, said there
is a significant flaw in the CCP’s amendment of criminal law.
That is, who has the power to define "disruption of court
order" when the judge himself clashes with others?

Zhu Aimin: "If the power is given to court, that virtually gives
more discretionary power to judges.
It will be easier for them to make unfavorable court
decisions against the accused."

Deutsche Welle said the NPC meeting claimed that they
attempt to set up "legal rules with Chinese characteristics".
This may suggest the CCP prefers more control over courts
instead of improving in judicial independence.

In recent years, the CCP continues to press harder on lawyers
who stand for legitimate rights of Chinese citizens.
It has become normal to see lawyers beaten or illegally
detained, having licenses revoked or even jailed.

This March, Tang Jitian, Jiang Tianyong, Zhang Junjie
and Wancheng, all lawyers, visited a so-called
"legal education center", or brainwashing center, located
at Qinglongshan Farm, Jiansanjiang of Heilongjiang Province.
They demanded the release of an illegally detained
Falun Gong practitioner, but were beaten and detained
by local CCP officers.

Following that, many Chinese lawyers and civilians
went to Jiansanjiang to voice support for those four lawyers,
resulting in the sensational "Jiansanjiang incident".

The sad truth is the incident only reveals a tip of the iceberg
in judicial injustice under the CCP’s one-party dictatorship.

Cases of arbitrarily violating citizens’ legal rights
can be seen everywhere in China.
On Nov. 27, the famous Chinese rights lawyer Guo Feixiong
was tried in a Guangzhou court.
In the trial, the judge directly took away Guo's defense
materials, and deprived Guo's right to make a final statement.
Furthermore, Guo's lawyer was subjected to whole-body
camera filming even in the restroom.

Interview/YiRu Edit/LiQian