參議院情報委員會主席,加州民主黨議員黛安娜•範斯坦(Dianne Feinstein)9號在參議院表示,「報告的公布不能抹去這個污點,但可以告訴我們的人民和全世界:美國是個足夠大的國家,願意承認自己的錯誤;美國也是個足夠自信的國家,能夠從錯誤中吸取教訓」。
《德國之聲》發佈評論員Michael Knigge的分析說,「小布希當政期間美國中情局的種種過激行為給美國的聲譽帶來了影響,因此,為了恢復美國在國際社會的公信力,當務之急是,華盛頓應該坦誠面對自己的錯誤。」他認為,更重要的是,「在一個民主法治國家,酷刑絕無立足之地。為了再次強調這一事實,美國參議院公布中央情報局酷刑逼供的調查報告意義重大。」
採訪/秦雪 編輯/尚燕 後製/舒燦
US Corrects Error of "prisoner abuse"
Sets People Thinking About Democracy
US Senate Intelligence Committee's report on CIA torture
released on Dec. 9 has attracted continuous attention.
While this report allows the public to criticize inquisition by
torture, it also allows people to see
how democracies deal with their own mistakes.
The US Senate Intelligence Committee has
completed this 6700-page report after conducting
five years of investigation and spending forty million
US dollars.
The recently released more than 500 pages are the summary
and conclusion of the entire report.
This report questioned the use by the CIA of waterboarding,
sleep deprivation and other tortures on the arrested al-Qaeda
terrorist suspects to obtain intelligence in the war on terror
after the 9/11 attacks, in order to prevent further attacks.
As almost all suspects mentioned in this report are terrorists,
members of the United States Congress and even the
administrative officers were afraid publication might lead
to attacks on US personnel and facilities even before its release.
US embassies and military facilities are currently on high alert.
In addition, this report has inevitably triggered much
criticism against the US.
This includes the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which is
always being criticized on human rights issues.
It published a number of critical and sarcastic reports
via its media in recent days.
Knowing that there are so many risks, why did the US spend
such time and resources to investigate bringing mockery
on itself?
In March this year, President Obama said this:
"… what I've said is that I am absolutely committed to
declassifying that report as soon as the report is completed.
In fact, I would urge them to go ahead and complete the
report, send it to us.
We will declassify those findings so that the American people
can understand what happened in the past, and that can help
guide us as we move forward".
Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein,
D-Calif. “The release of this report cannot remove that stain,
but it can and does say to our people, and the world,
that America is big enough to admit when it's wrong and
confident enough to learn from its mistakes.”
The founder of the Democracy Party of China, Zha Jianguo:
"No reason is good enough to shirk the responsibility for
human rights violations, so from another perspective, I feel
this is America's dark side in the war on terror."
"However, that the US would 'expose its own ugliness', really
reflects the vitality of its democratic system's self-correction,
as well as its might, this is worthy for people around the
world to ponder."
This report did raise people's thinking.
Michael Knigge, a commentator of "Deutsche Welle",
has said:
"To regain the international credibility that has been lost
due to egregious overreach by the CIA and others during
the Bush years, it is crucial that Washington must
acknowledge and accept responsibility for these actions."
He felt that, the more important thing is,
"In a democratic, rule-of-law based country there simply
cannot be a place for torture.
By releasing the Senate report on torture the US is making
an important step in asserting a fact that actually should
not need to be asserted in the first place."
Even CCP media, "People's Daily", acknowledged in its
report with a tone of frustration, on Dec. 11, that
this report also raised the Chinese people's thinking on
The report said that many people in the developing world
applauded the US because of this report.
Many regions had noted the US Senate's courage.
The same situation has also occurred on the Chinese Internet.
Zha Jianguo: "In America, the multiparty system and
separation of powers, checks and balances power."
"Such a system allows itself to withstand huge pressure, take
the initiative and expose its errors."
"In China, the situation is totally different, there is only one
ruling party, if it wants to expose the problem then it will."
"If it does not want to expose the problem, thinking that
exposing that problem would threaten itself,
then no one will able to expose it."
President Barack Obama has said there is the determination
"to ensure that the US will never again use such means".
Zha Jianguo felt that it will be subject to the people's
Universal suffrage, the multi-party system, separation of
powers and freedom of the press are four firewalls to
restrict scandal, they are the anti-virus software, power's
cage and the shields to protect the people.
Interview/QinXue Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ShuCan
參議院情報委員會主席,加州民主黨議員黛安娜•範斯坦(Dianne Feinstein)9號在參議院表示,「報告的公布不能抹去這個污點,但可以告訴我們的人民和全世界:美國是個足夠大的國家,願意承認自己的錯誤;美國也是個足夠自信的國家,能夠從錯誤中吸取教訓」。
《德國之聲》發佈評論員Michael Knigge的分析說,「小布希當政期間美國中情局的種種過激行為給美國的聲譽帶來了影響,因此,為了恢復美國在國際社會的公信力,當務之急是,華盛頓應該坦誠面對自己的錯誤。」他認為,更重要的是,「在一個民主法治國家,酷刑絕無立足之地。為了再次強調這一事實,美國參議院公布中央情報局酷刑逼供的調查報告意義重大。」
採訪/秦雪 編輯/尚燕 後製/舒燦
US Corrects Error of "prisoner abuse"
Sets People Thinking About Democracy
US Senate Intelligence Committee's report on CIA torture
released on Dec. 9 has attracted continuous attention.
While this report allows the public to criticize inquisition by
torture, it also allows people to see
how democracies deal with their own mistakes.
The US Senate Intelligence Committee has
completed this 6700-page report after conducting
five years of investigation and spending forty million
US dollars.
The recently released more than 500 pages are the summary
and conclusion of the entire report.
This report questioned the use by the CIA of waterboarding,
sleep deprivation and other tortures on the arrested al-Qaeda
terrorist suspects to obtain intelligence in the war on terror
after the 9/11 attacks, in order to prevent further attacks.
As almost all suspects mentioned in this report are terrorists,
members of the United States Congress and even the
administrative officers were afraid publication might lead
to attacks on US personnel and facilities even before its release.
US embassies and military facilities are currently on high alert.
In addition, this report has inevitably triggered much
criticism against the US.
This includes the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which is
always being criticized on human rights issues.
It published a number of critical and sarcastic reports
via its media in recent days.
Knowing that there are so many risks, why did the US spend
such time and resources to investigate bringing mockery
on itself?
In March this year, President Obama said this:
"… what I've said is that I am absolutely committed to
declassifying that report as soon as the report is completed.
In fact, I would urge them to go ahead and complete the
report, send it to us.
We will declassify those findings so that the American people
can understand what happened in the past, and that can help
guide us as we move forward".
Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein,
D-Calif. “The release of this report cannot remove that stain,
but it can and does say to our people, and the world,
that America is big enough to admit when it's wrong and
confident enough to learn from its mistakes.”
The founder of the Democracy Party of China, Zha Jianguo:
"No reason is good enough to shirk the responsibility for
human rights violations, so from another perspective, I feel
this is America's dark side in the war on terror."
"However, that the US would 'expose its own ugliness', really
reflects the vitality of its democratic system's self-correction,
as well as its might, this is worthy for people around the
world to ponder."
This report did raise people's thinking.
Michael Knigge, a commentator of "Deutsche Welle",
has said:
"To regain the international credibility that has been lost
due to egregious overreach by the CIA and others during
the Bush years, it is crucial that Washington must
acknowledge and accept responsibility for these actions."
He felt that, the more important thing is,
"In a democratic, rule-of-law based country there simply
cannot be a place for torture.
By releasing the Senate report on torture the US is making
an important step in asserting a fact that actually should
not need to be asserted in the first place."
Even CCP media, "People's Daily", acknowledged in its
report with a tone of frustration, on Dec. 11, that
this report also raised the Chinese people's thinking on
The report said that many people in the developing world
applauded the US because of this report.
Many regions had noted the US Senate's courage.
The same situation has also occurred on the Chinese Internet.
Zha Jianguo: "In America, the multiparty system and
separation of powers, checks and balances power."
"Such a system allows itself to withstand huge pressure, take
the initiative and expose its errors."
"In China, the situation is totally different, there is only one
ruling party, if it wants to expose the problem then it will."
"If it does not want to expose the problem, thinking that
exposing that problem would threaten itself,
then no one will able to expose it."
President Barack Obama has said there is the determination
"to ensure that the US will never again use such means".
Zha Jianguo felt that it will be subject to the people's
Universal suffrage, the multi-party system, separation of
powers and freedom of the press are four firewalls to
restrict scandal, they are the anti-virus software, power's
cage and the shields to protect the people.
Interview/QinXue Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ShuCan