【新唐人2015年6月19日訊】(新唐人記者嘉蔓綜合報導)保守黨內閣聯邦工業部長James Moore今天宣布將不會參加今年10月的聯邦大選。James Moore自2000年起選為滿地寶-高貴林港國會議員,那時他只有24歲,成為卑詩省歷史上最年輕的國會議員。
繼原外交部長John Baird,司法部長Peter Mackay,國際開發部長Christian Paradis和遺產部長Shelly Glover先後宣布不參加10月大選之後,Moore成為又一名離開的保守黨內閣成員。
James Moore在聲明中表示,出於家庭原因作出了這一選擇:
「Balancing family responsibilities while in public life is always a challenge. This is particularly true when you have a child with special needs. Recently my wife and I received some difficult news about the health of our beautiful son Spencer.」
繼原外交部長John Baird,司法部長Peter Mackay,國際開發部長Christian Paradis和遺產部長Shelly Glover先後宣布不參加10月大選之後,Moore成為又一名離開的保守黨內閣成員。
James Moore在聲明中表示,出於家庭原因作出了這一選擇:
「Balancing family responsibilities while in public life is always a challenge. This is particularly true when you have a child with special needs. Recently my wife and I received some difficult news about the health of our beautiful son Spencer.」