面對突發求救 你是否也會冷眼旁觀

【新唐人2016年04月29日訊】(新唐人記者水靈綜合報導)不久前被人們評論的沸沸揚揚的北京和頤酒店求救事件,再次反映出了當今社會中人們對深處險境中求助者的冷漠態度。愛因斯坦曾說過這樣一段話「The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything」(毀滅世界的不是惡魔,而是冷眼旁觀的看客)。從這位著名的科學界學者口中揭示了當今社會一種非常普遍的心理學效應:旁觀者效應。

旁觀者效應是自1964年發生震驚美國的基蒂•吉諾維斯事件後,由John Darley及 Bibb Latané提出的概念,是指在遇到危急情況並有其他人在場的時刻,人們通常可能不會主動對受害者伸出援手或作出任何形式的幫助。並且其援助的可能性與在場人數呈反比趨勢。也就是說,越多人在現場,施以援助的可能性越低。為什麼會這樣呢?

Bystander Effect by Zachary H. (Aka me) Long dress and pretty hair, her boyfriend hit her and bruised her skin that used to be soft and fair, yet no one seemed to care, they would only walk by and stare They assume that others will act first, So they all disperse, and choose not to immerse, in helping free the girl from her wretched curse Or they believe that there is no danger, to the stranger, so help isn't a major need, and walking away seems like a no-brainer But if everyone does the same, nothing will change, we will just hear victims' names on the news, and those bystanders will refuse to take the blame 《 A poem i wrote about a social psychological phenomenom called the Bystander Effect.》 #poem #poetry #bystander #bystanders #bystandereffect #lyrics #standup #speakup #psychology #saysomething #nosleep

Zachary(@awkward_asshole)發的照片 • 2016-03-19,3:17 PDT


而針對此類群體效應,美國ABC在黃金時段播出的《What would you do》系列實境秀就對旁觀者效應進行了測試,捕捉對不同突發求救場景中路人的反應及行為。其中還安排了面對衣衫襤褸的流浪漢暈倒和衣裝講究的上班族暈倒時,人們對其作出的反應,結果路人的表現反差極大。對於之前北京的事件,人們討論的更多是女生如何做好自我保護的問題,其實除此之外,我們更應該深刻思考的是怎樣才能改善、杜絕這種冷漠的旁觀者效應,讓受害者不再孤立無援!
