港式雞批 家庭美味做法(視頻)


Hong Kong Style Chicken Pot Pie

餡料 For the fillings:
雞肉250克 - 250g of chicken
蘑菇100克 - 100g of mushroom
洋蔥半個 - half an onion
白胡椒粉半茶匙 - half a teaspoon of white pepper
麻油一茶匙 - 1 teaspoon of sesame oil
生油一茶匙 - 1 teaspoon of oil
生粉一茶匙 - 1 teaspoon of cornstarch
鹽少量 - a pinch of salt
忌廉(奶油)100毫升 - 100ml of single cream
生粉水半茶匙 - half a teaspoon of cornstarch solution

批皮 For the pastry:
中筋麵粉250克 - 250g of plain flour
糖霜60克 - 60g of icing sugar
無鹽牛油120克 - 120g of unsalted butter
鹽一茶匙 - 1teaspoon of salt
雲呢拿油幾滴 - few drops of vanilla oil
蛋黃兩隻 - 2 egg yolks
水80毫升 - 80ml of water
雞蛋一隻 - 1 egg



