

Asia Mourns King of Pop

Daniel Chen

1. mourn v. 哀悼
2. cardiac arrest ph. 心脏停跳
3. overshadow v. 给…蒙上阴影
4. bizarre adj. 异乎寻常的
5. rush hour ph. 尖峰时间
6. charismatic adj. 有魅力的
7. pass away ph. 去世

Michael Jackson's sudden death has sent shockwaves across Asia and the world. He is said to have died of a cardiac arrest at his home in Los Angeles on Thursday.

King of Pop Michael Jackson's sudden death sent shock waves across Asia early on Friday, where the singer had millions of fans.

Jackson, the child star turned music idol whose musical genius was overshadowed by a bizarre lifestyle, died in Los Angeles of a suspected cardiac arrest. He was 50.

On the streets of Tokyo, the news hit rush hour commuters heading for work and school.

[Yuki Ishida, Student]:
"I was shocked. I hadn't heard news about him for a while, especially any good news."

[Masaru Ito, Japanese Student]:
"He was incredibly charismatic and full of talent."

[Rina Masaoka, Japanese Student]:
"I am sure there are a lot of fans worldwide. This will probably be as shocking as Princess Diana's death."

Jackson's death was even mentioned in the Japanese government's morning new conference by spokesman Takeo Kawamura.

[Takeo Kawamura, Japanese Government Spokesman]:
"As his face was really white, I personally thought somehow that he wasn't African-American. But as he was such a big star, I feel that his passing away in that manner is quite unfortunate. Although in the past, he had quite a few things said about him." [河村建夫,日本政府发言人]:

1. electronic news bulletin: n. 电子新闻看板
2. passers-by: n. 路人
3. saddened: p.p. 伤心的
4. influential: adj. 有影响力的
5. entertainer: n. 娱乐界人士
6. idol: n. 偶像

On the streets of the South Korea's capital Seoul, an electronic news bulletin reported the death of Jackson and passers-by were saddened by the news.

[Yoon Seol-a, Korean Fan]:
"He is gone! He was very influential and I expected him to create a new show. Now I cannot see him and his performance any more."

[Kim Ji-hye, Korean Fan]:
"Michael Jackson was the King of Pop and many entertainers tried to imitate him. He was an idol to many people – then he suddenly died! My heart is breaking."

1. reverberate v. 反射; 弹回
2. cut across ph. 径直穿过
3. thriller: n. 惊悚、战栗
4. recluse n. 隐居者
5. acquittal n. 宣告无罪; 无罪开释
6. molestation n. 性骚扰

The shock of the superstar's death also reverberated in China, where Jackson's appeal cut across generations.

[Liu Qiqi, Chinese Fan]:
"I feel this is a great loss, not just for his fans in the United States but also for the whole world. Although there is a lot of negative news about him, by judging him in terms of his music and his dancing, I think it is such a pity."

[Zhu Hui, Chinese Fan]:
"I think we should view these stars in a positive light because they are all working hard in the entertainment circle and it is not easy. We try to see the positive side of him because we don't know whether all this news about him is true or not."

Known for hits including "Thriller" and "Billie Jean," Jackson's dramatic, one-gloved stage presence and innovative dance moves were imitated by fans around the world.
以包括《颤栗 (Thriller)》和《比利珍(Billie Jean)》等金曲所知名,杰克森戏剧性的单手套舞台风采以及原创的舞蹈动作,全世界的粉丝都会模仿。

Jackson, who had lived as a virtual recluse since his acquittal in 2005 on charges of child molestation, had planned to launch a comeback tour in London next month.
