

Lunar Love at Chinese Moon Festival



1. beach [bitʃ] n. 海滩
2. resort [rɪˋzɔrt] n. 度假胜地
3. catch sight of v.phr. 看到
4. immerse [ɪˋmɝs] v. 沈浸于
5. savor [ˋsevɚ] n. 风味、风趣
6. venerate [ˋvɛnə͵ret] v.尊敬、崇敬
7. intangible [ɪnˋtændʒəbl] 触摸不到的

Crowds of locals and tourists gathered in the Chinese beach resort town of Beidaihe, Hebei province, on Saturday, hoping to catch sight of the bright, full moon that marks the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"I'm feeling very comfortable at the moment as I immerse myself in such a beautiful sea and night scene. As an ancient Chinese poem says, 'When the bright moon rises from the sea, all the world's people may savor the moment.'"

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday, for which the moon is venerated. It's one of the most important holidays of the year for millions, symbolizing both the hope of good harvests and happiness in the family.

The Chinese began celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in the early Tang Dynasty, a period of material abundance and cultural blossoming, viewed as a high point in China's roughly five-thousand-year history.

After 1949, however, the Communist authorities often discouraged celebration of the festival, viewing it as connected with "old" cultural ideas. Reversing the policy, the Chinese government listed the festival as intangible cultural heritage in 2006, and it was made a public holiday in 2008.

本则影音新闻出处:新唐人英语新闻 bit.ly/UC2r6o

本专栏由德良英文主编 www.bosenglish.com


日期: 10/8(19:00入场 19:30开始)
北市忠孝西路一段50号20楼(捷运台北车站M6, Z2出口)
(座位有限‧请先线上报名http://bit.ly/SFdNov TEL: 02-2314-0123)

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1. Taboo [təˋbu] n. 禁忌
2. Uncensored [ʌnˋsɛnsɚd] adj.未经检查的
3. Purge [pɝdʒ] n. 整肃
4. Chef [ʃɛf] n. 主厨
5. Culinary [ˋkjulɪ͵nɛrɪ] adj. 烹饪的
6. Crucial [ˋkruʃəl] adj. 关键性的
7. Ban [bæn] n. 禁令
8. Contraction [kənˋtrækʃən] n.紧缩
9. Subsidy [ˋsʌbsədɪ] n.津贴、补助