【禁闻】唱衰中共 外国经济学家遭清理?






2月17号,“英国广播公司《BBC》”经济事务编辑罗伯特•派斯顿,撰文《中国是否会再次震撼世界? 》。文中指出,在过去的几年中,中国每隔五天建成一座新的摩天大楼﹔修建了30多个机场,25个城市的地铁,三座世界上最长的桥梁,超过6000英里的高速铁路线,26000英里高速公路,商用建筑和私人住宅的开发,达到了一个令人难以置信的规模。



国际货币基金组织(IMF)1月14号发表的一份报告显示,2012年,中国国民生产总值GDP 为51万9千亿元人民币,而中国地方政府债务高达GDP 的45%。真实的财政状况比官方数据更糟糕。





网络活跃人士、时政评论人士Alan Huang在推特上发表评论说:“当中国的危机从政治层面向经济层面扩散,可以预见,继外媒记者遭到驱逐之后,下一波要遭到清理的应该就是外资银行的分析师。”

采访编辑/易如 后制/钟元

Chinese Communist Regime Censors
International Economist Analysis

Since 2013, many foreign institutions and economists have
expressed their disappointment at China's economy.
Some even anticipated a Chinese economic collapse that will
shake the world.
Hong Kong news report revealed the Communist Propaganda
Department's recent order demanding Chinese media avoid
using foreign banks economic analysis.

It seems that following rejecting foreign media journalists,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is targeting foreign banks
economic analysts to maintain its so-called stability and
safeguard itself.

According to Hong Kong based South China Morning Post,
An anonymous journalist and economist revealed that the
CCP Propaganda Department had issued a directive to the
Chinese media.
It cautions possible Chinese economic issues and challenges
in talks with economists.

Instructions also include:
Reduce the invitation of foreign banks to participate in
CBRC's (China Banking Regulatory Commission) closed-
door meetings on the banking industry;
CCP Central Bank and CBRC should be cautious in the
disclosure of information to foreign banks;
CCP officials should be more cautious about foreign banks
research reports;
Avoid senior economists from international banks.

Sources from the Chinese media revealed: "There is no
blacklist or whitelist.
But it is clear that, we are encouraged to invite economists
and analysts from domestic securities companies and banks
in the live talk shows about China's economy."

Professor Xie Tian, School of Business, University of South
Carolina Aiken: "China is indeed facing a critical crisis in
economy and finance.
Those conscientious experts and specialists have come to the
point to speak the reality of China's economy.
Those pessimistic talks are inevitably hurtful to all the fraud
and lies the CCP have managed.
This propaganda instruction is to defend itself from those
experts from outside of China."

On February 17, BBC Business Editor Robert Peston's article,
"Will China shake the world again?" stated:
"Over the past few years, China has built a new skyscraper
every five days, more than 30 airports, metros in 25 cities,
the three longest bridges in the world, more than 6,000 miles
of high speed railway lines;
26,000 miles of motorway, and both commercial and residential
property developments on a mind-boggling scale."

But much of the spending and investment will never generate
an economic return.
"China's debts as a share of GDP have been rising very rapidly
at around 15% of GDP, or national output, annually and have
increased since 2008 from around 125% of GDP to 200%."
said Peston.

Robert Peston indicated that if the lending and investing
bonanza can't be stopped, then: "We would be looking at
the kind of crash that would shake China, and the globe."

The IMF (International Monetary Fund) reported on January
14 that, China had a GDP of 51.9 trillion yuan at the end of
2012, but also local debts of up to 45% of GDP.

The actual financial situation is worse than the official data.

In March 2013, caijing.com cited an economist report from
the international investment bank, Nomura Securities.
China has shown signs of financial crisis. The worsening
market risk will create greater disparities.
The Chinese economy has repetitively been disappointing
according to Nomura Securities analysis.

Professor Xia Ming, Political Science, City University of
New York, says that it is the basic global consensus in 2014
that China's real estate and credit bubble will inevitably burst.

Fearing the international discussion of Chinese banking and
financial crisis will trigger domestic panic, the terrified CCP
is distorting the domestic economic information to mislead
the people.
They are also block the free flow of economic information
for stability maintenance.

Xia Ming: "This instruction from the Propaganda Department
has been issued to overseas correspondents: No report about
the difficulty and crisis of China's economy from foreign
These instructions explain that all economic information of
China is highly politicized."

Xie Tian: "The root cause behind all Propaganda Department
decisions is to safeguard the CCP.
Anything such as the comment or opinion from the experts,
that serves potential threat to the CCP or expose its lies, is a
threat to the CCP."

Internet activist and political commentator Alan Huang wrote
on Twitter:
"When China's crisis spread from the political level to the
economic aspects, it is expected that following the expulsion
of foreign media correspondents, foreign banks analysts are
the next to be targeted."

Interview & Edit/Yi Ru Post-Production/Zhong Yuan