【禁闻】“失独”家庭组联盟 向当局维权
















采访/陈汉 编辑/张天宇 后制/舒灿

"Loss of Only One Child" Family Alliances Defends their Rights

Since ancient times in China, the greatest grief for parents,
is to see the death of their child.
But in today's Mainland China, due to the "one-child" policy
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
and the defective pension system,

many parents who lost their only child, not only
have to endure the mental pains and suffering,
but to also face the predicament of having no descendants
supporting them.
These helpless old people are also known as
"Old People Losing their Only One Child".
Currently, there are more and more families in China,
who have faced the predicament of losing their only one child,
who are now forming alliances to claim rights from
local government bodies.

According to Weiquanwang (Human Rights Defenders Website),
since Nov. 11, hundreds of families in Chongqing city which
"lost only one child",
gathered together for three days in front of Chongqing
Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission(HFPC).

They required the authorities to fulfil their commitments
and to address the pension issues of the families with
"losing only one child", protecting their basic rights.

These parents who "lost only one child" sat in front
of the HFPC office, some waving banners,
some sang songs of losing only one child,
and some holding a petition with grievance complaints.

But to their disappointment, after singing so long their voices
became hoarse and legs got numb from sitting,
no government official showed up to help these people.

Until the third day, some officials interviewed
a few representatives of the families
which "lost the only one child",

and gave a perfunctory reply "we will try our best to solve
the problem depending on the situation".

Then these petitioners were sent back.

In recent years, China has witnessed similar and frequent
occurances of parents petitioning the loss of one child.

On Nov 10, more than one hundred parents who lost
their only child,
petitioned at Shanxi Provincial Government, asking they resolve
the issues of old people's pensions;
On Sept 22, parents of "losing the only one child" from Tianjin
Municipality, Liaoning Province , Jilin Province, Henan Province,
Hubei Province and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,

all respectively went to the local HFPC and governmental
agencies to hold protest banners,
demanding, "fulfilling the commitments is the responsibility
of a national".
500 parents of "losing their only one child" gathered at the
office of National HFPC in Beijing on May 25,
to protest and require the government to modify the
"Family Planning Law",
and produce the preferential policies as soon as possible,
which have substantial bearing upon those parents
who "lost their only one child"......

As seen from the appeals of all such families, most of them
are experiencing financial difficulties and pension issues.

However, until now the authorities have not yet established
compensation/allowance, pension, accident
and health insurance systems etc for them.

One of such parents Hu Liying is from Anhui Province,
he says "the appeal is to ask the government to secure
the independence problems of us old people
losing our only one child!"
"NTD" Reporter: "So did the government give you any
financial assistance?"
Hu Liying: "They did, but the amount is too minimal
for words!"

According to the revealed statistic information of CCP’s
Chinese People Political Consultation Conference (CPPCC),
amongst these older people, 60% suffer from depression,
50% suffer with high blood pressure and heart diseases,
15% suffer from cancers, paralysis and other major diseases,
and more than half having suicidal tendencies.

Yu Zhenan is a mother of such parents and says:
"I cannot consider what happens when I am old.
At the time when I am old, if I think I am old and cannot sustain
myself, then I will end my life as soon as possible.
I cannot count on this country."

Almost every parent who has lost their only child, have such
discontent with the family planning policy.
They asked the authorities, when implementing their family
planning policy,
why they led us to believe "Only one child policy is good,
the government secures the pensions for parents etc".
But when they (the parents) lost their only one child,
the government treated them with indifference,
seemingly without any care towards them. So where are
the governments original commitments?

Hu Liying: "There is no one to take care of us!
No one to take care of us at all!
We only take care of ourselves.

At that time we were only allowed to have one child
without allowing us to have a second child, ah!!
Now people are appealing for this policy!"

In June of 2012, more than 100 parents "losing their only
one child" went to Beijing,
submitting to the original CCP’s State Family Planning Commission.
"a request for state compensation for parents losing their only one child"
But the reply is: "no legal basis."

Within just two years, the number of applicants applying
for this compensation has exceeded 3,000 people.
In August of this year, they filed a lawsuit
to the court once again,
charging the State Family Planning Commission
and claiming compensation,
but the court decided not to file the case.

Xi Jinlan is a mother from Zhumadian City of Henan Province
who is one of the parents who lost her only child:
"I'm feeling the State Policy is unjust to those who lose
their child. It's unfair.
We are the victims of this policy, why don’t we receive
a penny of subsidy?"

According to statistics of CCP’s Ministry of Health,
in 2010, China's families who lost their only child, amount
to more than one million in number.

The public estimated the actual data of statistics
was much higher than that of the official data.

In 2013, demography expert Yi Fuxian made an inference
based on the census data.
In the near future, China will have 10 million families
to have become a "losing their only one child" statistic.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/Zhan Tianyu Post-Production/ShuCan