印尼鸡汤饭 香浓开胃做法(视频)


MamaCheung's soto ayam, Indonesian chicken soup with rice, a very popular delicious dish from Indonesia. I hope you like it.

材料 Ingredients (六人份量/for six people)
鸡汤材料 Soup base:
一千二百克光鸡 1.2kg chicken
十克姜 10g ginger
五个红葱头 5 shallots
五个蒜头 5 cloves of garlic
八粒石栗 8 candlenuts
五片青柠叶 5 lemon leave
一茶匙芫茜籽 1tsp cilantro seeds
一茶匙胡椒粉 1tsp ground pepper
两茶匙黄姜粉 2tsp turmeric powder
六十五毫升椰浆 65ml coconut milk
两条香茅 2 lemon grass
四分三茶匙鸡粉(不是必要) 3/4tsp chicken powder (optional)
一茶匙半盐 1.5tsp salt
三公升清水 3litres water
亦可以买现成的印尼鸡汤香料包 Alternatively, 1 bag of soto ayam paste

汤饭材料 Other ingredients:
八粒红葱头 8 shallots
三只辣椒 3 chilis
两粒蒜头 2 cloves of garlic
两个青柠 2 lime
葱花 Chopped scallions
芽菜或椰菜丝 Bean sprouts or shredded cabbage
粉丝 Rice vermicelli
三只鸡蛋 3 eggs
虾片 Prawn crackers
甜豉油 Sweet soya sauce


