【禁聞】《南都》:公開官員財產 爭朝夕

【新唐人2012年5月18日訊】「中央黨校」發表文章,聲稱,實行「官員財產申報制度」,最少也得10年。 《南方都市報》公開批評了這種說法。《南都》表示,公開官員財產「只爭朝夕」。海內外學者表示,「黨校」的觀點,表明中共根本不想公開官員的財產,這種說法來自中共體制,也保護著這個體制。








大陸經濟學者廖誠:(錄音)「《南方》報社說真話, 為民請命,發出改革的聲音,推動社會變革,還是起到了一個領頭羊的作用。」


採訪編輯/李蓮 後製/肖顏

Southern Metropolitan: Publish Personal Assets of Officials ASAP

CCP Central Party School published an article claiming that
implementation of “personal asset reporting of officials” will take at least 10 years.
Southern Metropolitan criticized this viewing, expressing that
publishing personal assets of officials needs to be done ASAP.
Scholars expressed that the stance of CCP Central Party School
shows that in an attempt to protect the system,
the CCP does not want to publish personal assets of officials.

A recent issue of the Study Times published by the CCP
Central Party School expressed that collection, evaluation,
and monitoring are the three major difficulties of implementing
a personal asset reporting system of CCP officials.
The article expressed that this will take at least10 years,
but that if the government is determined to fight corruption, this system is within reach.

Mainland economist Liao Cheng: “(I) can clearly tell people,
don't hope for public reporting of personal assets of officials, don't try to learn from foreign countries.
China's characteristic is that wealth of officials is grey income,
illegal, they don't dare to reveal it.
Even without reporting, everyone knows this in their hearts.

The government brought up this topic to destroy your hope of
monitoring corruption of officials.”

Southern Metropolitan under the Nanfang News Agency then
published a commentary titled,
“Publish Personal Assets of Officials: 10 years is too long,
it needs to be ASAP.”
The article states, publishing the Personal Assets of Officials
is key to supervision of power, 10 years is too long, let it be done ASAP.

Chinese Affairs Expert Gong Shengli, “According to sources,
two-thirds of Politburo Standing Committee Members
are against bringing wealth of officials to 『broad day light.』
Every country in the world with rule of law does it,
only a dictatorship like China does not have
personal asset reporting of officials.
You (CCP officials) control the most, but you are the least
transparent, no one knows of the things you have secretly obtained.”

In the 1980s, during the first decade of the so called reform
and opening up,
some scholars and media already urged anti-corruption,
publishing the wealth of officials, but the CCP never took any substantial action.
People's conclusion was: Corruption kills the country,
Anti-corruption kills the party.

Liao Cheng: “Right now there are no officials
who are not corrupt, if (you) really want anti-corruption,
then this system will quickly disintegrate,
so it (CCP) doesn't dare resolve the corruption problem.
It's said on the internet, those who are clean will not be used,
the heavier your crimes are, the more you are trusted,
because you will better protect this criminal system.
This system is the main culprit, that is to say,
this dictatorship system is best protected by
those committing the worst crimes.”

Guang Dong is the testing ground for CCP officials'
personal asset reporting.
The fact that Guangdong media criticized the article by
CCP Central Party School shows that people some hope for democracy and social justice.

Liao Cheng: “Nanfang News Agency spoke the truth,
plead for the people, raise the voice for reform,
and help to promote social change, it's serving a leading role.”

After this commentary by the Southern Metropolitan was
posted on the Tianya Forum, a netizen commented,
why are all the media with conscience on the southern coast,
when can we see one in the north. The south is the starting place of democracy.