【禁聞】白宮網站徵簽 獲廣泛支持

【新唐人2012年12月10日訊】白宮網站徵簽 獲廣泛支持

美國著名醫學專家、國際醫學倫理研究權威、美國「紐約大學醫學院」教授卡普蘭(Arthur Caplan)博士等三位醫生,12月2號在白宮網站發起公開徵集簽名活動,到12月7號下午,已經有5000多人簽名支持。這項活動的訴求是要求奧巴馬政府,調查並公開譴責「中共活摘法輪功學員和其他囚犯器官」的罪行。

12月6號,美國國際宗教自由委員會(USCIRF) 主席卡翠娜-蘭託斯‧斯維特(Katrina Lantos Swett)博士也發聲表示支持,卡翠娜說,徵簽是一個非常好的舉措,通過徵簽可以凝聚各方力量,來結束這個罪惡。文明國家不會允許「活摘器官」這種事情發生。









White House Petition Gets Wide Support

Arthur Caplan, famous American medical expert,
International specialist of bioethics study, and
professor of New York University Langone Medical Center,
raised a petition with two other doctors on Dec. 2nd .
By the afternoon of Dec 7th over 5000 people signed the petition.

The petition is to request the Obama administration to publicly
investigate and condemn the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
crime of taking organs from live Falun Gong practitioners
and other prisoners in China.

Katrina Lantos Swett, Chair of the United States Commission
on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), expressed her
support on Dec. 6th saying the petition is a very good action
to collect strength from everywhere to stop this evil crime.
A civilized nation can’t let things like organ harvesting happen.

The three doctors who started the petition said in the public
statement on the White House website that
organ harvesting is a crime against humanity
happening in China for 10 years.
All the countries, governments, and people should condemn it.
Staying silent to this atrocity is to conspire to it.
The U.S, as the leader of defending human rights in world,
has responsibility to stand up and make its voice heard.

The White House website need 25,000 signatures in 30 days.
Then, they have to give a response to the petition.

Human Rights Day Is Coming, Petitioners Go Beijing

December 10th is Human Rights Day.

On Dec. 9th Petitioners came to Beijing from Linxi in Shandong,
Wuhan in Hubei, Sichuan in Chengdu and Shanghai,
They plan to file a suit and celebrate Human Rights Day
at the UN office in Beijing.

Chinese Human Rights Defenders report that many victims
of forced house demolition from Linxi in Shandong Province
came to Beijing on Dec. 9th to accuse the local government of
plundering people’s property and illegally demolishing houses.

msguancha.com also reported that dozens of Wuhan
petitioners came to appeal in Beijing.

64tianwang.com reported that many Chengdu residents
have turned off their cell phones since Dec. 7th, taking various means of transport to reach Beijing.
They hope to provide more evidence of
the corrupt Chengdu Party Secretary Li Chuncheng.
They want to get rid of him and his corruption group.