「深圳當代社會觀察研究所」所長 劉開明:「除了體制上原因、制度上原因之外,這個制度設計導致人們大量的把時間、金錢、精力都耗費在這種無謂的證件上,無謂的管制上,是導致中國人貧窮的最重要原因。前30年,根本不允許掙錢,這30年雖然允許你掙錢,但是有很多的阻礙、障礙,來桎梏著你。」
採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/周天
How Many Certificates Needed in China?
Chinese people have to go through a lot of certificate
registrations from birth to death.
Netizens found out that for a Chinese person,
at least 80 certificates are needed.
People cried out that they seem to be living for certificates.
Scholars point out that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
aims to control its civilians.
The social system wastes huge amounts of people's time,
money and effort.
This is an important reason behind causing poverty.
“Holding certificates can go wherever you want, without it
you can hardly move a single step.” said a Chinese person.
Birth certificate, student identification, graduation certificate,
scholarship certificate, English forth or sixth degree certificate,
mandarin degree certificate, work certificate, health certificate,
teacher certificate, doctor certificate, accountant certificate,
and migrant certificate. In addition, farmers need reap certificates
to harvest plants, to collect pension one needs life certificate etc.
Thus no doubt that China is the top “certificate country.”
Among these, cremation certificate and burial permit,
death certificate, property certificate, disable certificate,
are considered top 5 “ most frustrating certificates.”
Mr. Qin from Wuhan said that some certificates
are nonsense.
For example, Qin planned to use his mother's property to
do business.
The household registered they are mother and son but
he was asked to register again to prove mother-son relations.
Mr. Qin: “If you have many things to do,
only 80 certificates won't be enough.
If you do business, opening a retail shop, you need a license,
hygiene certificate, health certificate, tax certificate and operation permit etc.”
Qin believes that authorities require so many certificates,
to collect more fees.
A statistic shows that over 2000 different fees
of certificates are being used in China.
Some people pointed out that registering certificates
becomes the CCP's method to make profit.
If a migrant works in a city, he has to carry
at least 5 certificates. Each certificate was paid for.
Corporate-oriented accreditation costs are much higher.
In Beijing, to register a company cost
20,000 Yuan (US$3,202) in 1998.
After several reforms took place, it still costs
6,000 Yuan (US$961) in 2002.
In the past, the temporary residence permit fees cost one
billion Yuan (US$0.16 billion) yearly in Shenzhen city.
Family Planning Bureau and Labor Service Company
jointly provide family planning certificate services.
They obtained 5.6 million Yuan income.
Liu Kaiming, director of Shenzhen Institute of Contemporary
Observation, said CCP social system aims to control civilians.
It traditional method is to issue certificate controlling
people and carrying out economic management methods.
Liu Kaiming: “Apart from institutional and system reasons,
the form of the system wastes people's time, money and
efforts to consume on the nonsense certificates.
These are the leading cause of poverty.”
Liu Xueming, who has visited many countries said in other
other parts of world, no matter how rich or poor the country,
the 2nd generation of Chinese have a better standard of life.
However in China, the majority of the population still live
in poverty, because of oppressive rules and regulations.
Shen Yuan, China democracy activist in the US: “when I grew
up, since 1950s, where we lived, studied and worked,
even the marriage registration were all under the CCP's control.
We followed the so-called unified arrangements and
subject to the needs of the revolution.”
Shen Yuan, who has lived in the US for 30 years, said that
in the US many registrations only need a passport.
Shen Yuan also said that in China, certificate became
the means of the CCP's administrative method.
They used household registration to control people strictly,
so that no one can separate himself from the CCP's control.
「深圳當代社會觀察研究所」所長 劉開明:「除了體制上原因、制度上原因之外,這個制度設計導致人們大量的把時間、金錢、精力都耗費在這種無謂的證件上,無謂的管制上,是導致中國人貧窮的最重要原因。前30年,根本不允許掙錢,這30年雖然允許你掙錢,但是有很多的阻礙、障礙,來桎梏著你。」
採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/周天
How Many Certificates Needed in China?
Chinese people have to go through a lot of certificate
registrations from birth to death.
Netizens found out that for a Chinese person,
at least 80 certificates are needed.
People cried out that they seem to be living for certificates.
Scholars point out that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
aims to control its civilians.
The social system wastes huge amounts of people's time,
money and effort.
This is an important reason behind causing poverty.
“Holding certificates can go wherever you want, without it
you can hardly move a single step.” said a Chinese person.
Birth certificate, student identification, graduation certificate,
scholarship certificate, English forth or sixth degree certificate,
mandarin degree certificate, work certificate, health certificate,
teacher certificate, doctor certificate, accountant certificate,
and migrant certificate. In addition, farmers need reap certificates
to harvest plants, to collect pension one needs life certificate etc.
Thus no doubt that China is the top “certificate country.”
Among these, cremation certificate and burial permit,
death certificate, property certificate, disable certificate,
are considered top 5 “ most frustrating certificates.”
Mr. Qin from Wuhan said that some certificates
are nonsense.
For example, Qin planned to use his mother's property to
do business.
The household registered they are mother and son but
he was asked to register again to prove mother-son relations.
Mr. Qin: “If you have many things to do,
only 80 certificates won't be enough.
If you do business, opening a retail shop, you need a license,
hygiene certificate, health certificate, tax certificate and operation permit etc.”
Qin believes that authorities require so many certificates,
to collect more fees.
A statistic shows that over 2000 different fees
of certificates are being used in China.
Some people pointed out that registering certificates
becomes the CCP's method to make profit.
If a migrant works in a city, he has to carry
at least 5 certificates. Each certificate was paid for.
Corporate-oriented accreditation costs are much higher.
In Beijing, to register a company cost
20,000 Yuan (US$3,202) in 1998.
After several reforms took place, it still costs
6,000 Yuan (US$961) in 2002.
In the past, the temporary residence permit fees cost one
billion Yuan (US$0.16 billion) yearly in Shenzhen city.
Family Planning Bureau and Labor Service Company
jointly provide family planning certificate services.
They obtained 5.6 million Yuan income.
Liu Kaiming, director of Shenzhen Institute of Contemporary
Observation, said CCP social system aims to control civilians.
It traditional method is to issue certificate controlling
people and carrying out economic management methods.
Liu Kaiming: “Apart from institutional and system reasons,
the form of the system wastes people's time, money and
efforts to consume on the nonsense certificates.
These are the leading cause of poverty.”
Liu Xueming, who has visited many countries said in other
other parts of world, no matter how rich or poor the country,
the 2nd generation of Chinese have a better standard of life.
However in China, the majority of the population still live
in poverty, because of oppressive rules and regulations.
Shen Yuan, China democracy activist in the US: “when I grew
up, since 1950s, where we lived, studied and worked,
even the marriage registration were all under the CCP's control.
We followed the so-called unified arrangements and
subject to the needs of the revolution.”
Shen Yuan, who has lived in the US for 30 years, said that
in the US many registrations only need a passport.
Shen Yuan also said that in China, certificate became
the means of the CCP's administrative method.
They used household registration to control people strictly,
so that no one can separate himself from the CCP's control.