








江蘇連雲港大四學生王同學: 「雖然都說中國的官場很複雜,其實也挺簡單的。只要你放下一些尊嚴之類的,該溜鬚拍馬求人家,也挺好混的。但是你真正要那麼做,你就真正要放棄很多東西。」









採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/周天

Post-90’s Worker Wants to Become the Nation’s Leader

Chinese media recently made interviews of workers
from various fields on their “dreams.”
A 23-year-old employee of wheel alignment service answered
this question with, “My dream is to become the nation’s leader.”
The workers’ “dreams” have intrigued the public in China;
they asked, “Is it even possible for an ordinary person in China to become the nation’s leader?”

On May 2, the CCTV program “Live News Broadcast”
interviewed workers from various fields about their dreams.

Wang Yan, 25-year-old technician: ”I hope bosses can pay
more attention to me and approve my work quality.
After that I think I will just try my best
to get promoted step by step.”

Li Ruitian, 27 years old: ”I hope I can get a regular
job position after working for three years.”

Liu Wuhao, 23-year-old worker of wheel alignment:
”I have an especially big dream, which is to become the nation’s leader.”

Chinese commentator Li Hainian applauded Liu Wuhao’s
courage to have such a grand dream.
Li said, at the very least this shows that Liu has preserved
his child innocence with expectations toward the future.
Compared with those who only care about
“eating and pooping,” Liu’s dream is really admirable.

Li Hainian added that “national leader” is also a job;
the only difference is that they belong to a special group;
but any person with integrity and ability, willing to serve
the country and its people is qualified to join this group.

Post-90’s senior undergraduate Wang said, nobody
around him ever thought of becoming the nation’s leader; nor do they care about China’s future.
This is because in China there is no path
to pursue political goals.
At most the students wish to become a “civil servant”
for the known grey income.

Mr. Wang, senior undergraduate in Lianyungang, Jiangsu:
”People always say how complex China’s official circles are.
In fact the rule is very simple. If you can give up your dignity
to lick others’ boots, you can make it.
However, you lose a lot if you really do that.”

Wang joked that he would definitely be a corrupt official,
if he becomes one.
The reason is, under China’s current regime,
any official has to be corrupt;
otherwise his corrupt superior will not trust him
as a member of any interest group.

The 24-year-old self-employed Wang said, now poverty,
disasters, and pollution are omnipresent in China.
All civilians are under some form of persecution.
This is a result of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) rule.
They are sinners of the history,
and will be definitely brought to justice.

Mr. Wang, self-employed, Dongguan, Guangdong Province:
”This regime is a scourge to our society.
If you look at those party leaders,
none of them has a good life’ end.
Very few could smoothly conclude their terms in office.
How did Liu Shaoqi die? How did Lin Biao die?
So many leaders were killed in political movements,
including Peng Dehuai.
Nobody hopes to become one of them
except diehard supporters.
Therefore it is very risky to be a leader,
and you won’t be there for long anyway.”

According to data cited by Wikipedia,
358,000 Chinese die annually from air pollution.
Half of China’s population lives without clean water.
Over 90% of the cities suffer from serious water pollution.
More than 40% of lands have serious soil acidification,
due to excessive use of fertilizers.

In 2004, the CCP’s Ministry of Environment Protection
received 600,000 complaints.
Some estimate that the economic loss from pollution
reaches up to 10% of China’s GDP.
Protests on environmental issues increase 29% every year.

In the past five years, most massive protests in China
involve environmental issues.

Mr. Chai, a 26-year-old worker in Suzhou, suggest as best
solution to China’s problems the lift of political parties’ ban,
as well as the ban on newspapers and Internet,
and to protect the freedom of speech and the press.
In the meantime, the police and the army need to be
nationalized and become politically neutral, so they can guard the nation in the democratization process.

Mr. Chai, worker, Suzhou: ”This dictatorship regime
lacks a system of correcting its own mistakes.
The only thing it knows to do
is “stability maintenance.”
As we see, democratization is a global trend,
which has almost dominated the world.
If CCP insists to do the opposite, it will raise more conflicts,
as a result of Chinese people’s thirst for democracy, and the party’s dictatorship regime corruption.”

Chai concludes, CCP leaders have to implement political
reforms, like former Taiwan president Chiang Ching-kuo.
Otherwise they will end the same way
as those dictators in the Middle East.