【禁聞】揭內幕網路紅人被拘 中共殺一儆百



武漢《中國》雜誌社記者 自由撰稿人劉逸明:「我不相信他在造謠,我相信他所說的是事實,我認為,一個人造謠,肯定有他的目的,那麼他能夠從中獲得甚麼樣的利益?我覺得他沒有理由,只會給自己帶來風險。我覺得可能秦火火是被警方構陷,慾加之罪,何患無辭? 」




原《浙江青年報》記者 中國獨立中文筆會榮譽會員魏楨凌:「因為在中國的話,老百姓他不會相信官方的說法,因為官方的說法恰恰是不真實的,反而是在造謠,而民間小道消息老百姓反而更願意相信。」








採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/葛雷

Internet Whistleblower Arrested As Warning To Others

Qin Huohuo, famous as an online whistleblower was
respectfully called “hero” by netizens.
Recently, Qin was detained by Beijing police who
accused him of deliberately spreading rumors.
He was also accused of provoking trouble and running
an illegal business.
The Internet scholars believe that Qin disclosed many
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) insider corruption.
The exposure has scared the CCP officials.

The detention of Qin is obviously to warn the others, how the
CCP crackdown on freedom of expression on the Internet.

On August 20, the CCP mouthpiece media Xinhua
website reported that
Beijing police arrested Qin Huohuo and several
employees from his company- Beijing Erma Company.
It aroused netizens' online debates.

Liu Yiming, journalist of China magazine in Wuhan: “I don't
believe what Qin has said are rumors, I believe they are facts.
If one wants to create rumors one must have a purpose.
What interests can he get from it?
I think Qin has no reason to do that, as it only brings himself
into trouble.I think Qin most likely was set up by the police.
The old saying is ‘if you want to punish someone,
you can always find excuses’.”

Strangely, although the CCP arrested Qin,
the media had many accusations towards Qin.
However, the party media could not explain
any of Qin's “rumors”.

Liu Yiming: “I think the authorities couldn't
provide any evidence.
If they are rumors, why didn't the CCP tell the truth?,
The rumor would naturally stop if the truth is publicized.”

According to the network data, Qin Huohuo's real name
is Qin Zhihui. Qin is 30 years old from Hunan.
He has worked in a well-known internet company,
Huayi Media Company.
In July 2011, Qin quickly became popular on the Internet
after exposing the 7-23 train accident's sky high compensation
and the scandal of the Red Cross forcibly collecting donations.

Wei Zhenling, former journalist of Zhejiang Youth Daily:
“In China, citizens don't believe the CCP's words.
What they said isn't the truth, but rumors. People would rather
believe rumors from the communities.”

Subsequently, Qin exposed dark scenes from the rescuing
during the Sichuan earthquake.
The army major general's son served in an
executive position in a foreign company.
Celebrities accept bribes to promote Chongqing's Red model.
It attracted many netizens following his news on the Internet.
Netizens regarded Qin as an “Internet new force”, which
triggered the CCP's unhappiness and their reaction.

Wei Zheling: “What Qin exposed on Weibo microblog,
made the CCP worry about its power.
The CCP wants to use the old lies to maintain its power.

Officials think it will affect power stability, as they intend
to cover up the truth and don't want people know about.”

In addition, the authorities also accused Qin of slandering
“moral idols”, Zhang Haidi and Lei Feng.
This caused the netizens to question both public images.

According to Weibo in Mainland China, Qin has asked why
Zhang Haidi, Chairman of China Disabled Persons Federation
holds a Japanese passport.
Or why Zhang's sister Zhang Haiyan changed her name
to Zhang Nuowei's who owns trillions of assets.
Lei Feng's monthly wages are six Yuan, how can he afford
a jacket worth 90 Yuan, as well as luxury trousers and leather shoes?
Qin believes that these “Moral Idols” are made up by the CCP,
to brainwash the public. Qin's views won many netizens' support.

Wei Zhenling: “The CCP is a liar, including Lei Feng,
many things are made up by the CCP.
It just for propaganda purpose.
Many civilians didn't know the truth.
If anyone knew the truth and disclosing it in public, from the
CCP's view, they will say this person is spreading rumors.”

Liu Yiming and Wei Zhenling both believe that
the CCP arrested Qin to warn the others.
To use this as excuse to crackdown on the Internet activists,
to prevent their opinions from affecting more netizens.

Liu Yiming and Wei Zhenling said that once the truth is known
by the public, it will form a force, impacting the CCP's power.
It is the most fearful issue for the CCP.