










原廣州軍區醫院第二門診部醫生 譚娓:「我有一個朋友是婦產科醫生,她是這樣跟我說的,她說,你知道嗎?當初計劃生育比較嚴重的時候,孩子生出來了,打一桶水放在旁邊,然後把那孩子扔到那個桶裡面,把那孩子淹死,然後媽媽就在旁邊哭。」





中共自吹「一胎化」政策使中國「少生4億」,使「世界70億人口日 」推遲5年到來。但沒有人知道,這其中有多少已經成型的生命被謀殺。

據英國權威醫學雜誌《柳葉刀》(The Lancet)報導,中國自殺率是國際平均數的2.3倍;但中國婦女的自殺率超過男性25%,是世界上唯一女性自殺率顯著超過男性的國家。







採訪/易如 編輯/宋風 後製/李智遠

In 1979, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) introduced
the One-Child Policy, or Family Planning Policy, to forcibly
control population growth of the state.
Although the policy was officially relaxed recently,
mandatory "birth control" continues to bring disaster
to numerous Chinese families, as reported in the following.

On Jan. 9, the Associated Press (AP) released an English
report about Gong Qifeng's story.
Gong, a Chinese woman from Lianyuan City, Hunan Province,
was forced to abort a pregnancy of 7.5 months.

During the forced abortion, she begged again and again
for mercy from the surgeon, but was completely ignored.
Several people forced her to stay on a bed and then injected
a syringe of labor-inducing drugs.
After suffering from excruciating pain for 35 hours,
Gong Qifeng lost her second child.

The huge blow to Gong Qifeng's mind has soon led to her
strange behavior such as biting people.
She was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and still had to use
drugs to control the disease.

Recently, Gong and her husband went to Beijing to petition.
They demanded the CCP authority compensate them for
medical expenses, but were driven away by the police.
An AP reporter photographed the scene of local police
driving away Gong Qifeng in sleepwear.

Gong's husband, Wu Yongyuan believes that the forced
abortion was the cause of her mental disease.
Therefore he demanded that the local government afford all her
medical expenses and offer compensation for them.

The truth is, family tragedies caused by forced abortion are
far from individual cases in China.

In August 2013, a pregnant woman from Guan County,
Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, was forced to abort
an "out-of-plan" child after 9 months of pregnancy
by dozens of "Family Planning" officers.
Both the mother and the child died.
The local CCP authority then forced the victim's family to
sign a compensation agreement and quickly cremated the body.

LI Changqing,a Human Rights Lawyer from Beijing: "In fact
China's law does not allow forced abortion.
That is a violation of law by the local authorities."

Tan Wei is a doctor who used to work in a hospital
in the Guangzhou military region.
Tan said, forced abortion is a terrorist act against humanity.

Tan Wei, former doctor of Guangzhou Military Region
Hospital: "I have a friend who is a gynecologist.
She told me the following: Have you heard of this?
When birth control was strictly enforced, a baby would be
drowned in a water bucket after being born,
and the mother was kept on the side crying."

Mao Qunan, the CCP's Family Planning Commission
Spokesman, also said recently that forced abortion of
a mature pregnancy was prohibited by law,
corresponding law-breakers had to be punished
according to the law.

However, Beijing lawyer Li Changqing said as birth control
was included by the CCP in evaluation of local officials'
work, it had become a restricted area that
could not be touched.

Li Changqing said, the inhuman policy that violates human
rights was still being enforced in China.

On Dec. 27 2013, four Uyghur women were forced to abort
in a local hospital of Hotan prefecture, Xinjiang Province.
One baby, who was nine months into pregnancy, was beaten
to death as it was still alive after labor induction.
In addition, Feng Jianmei, a woman from Ankang City,
Shaanxi Province, was forced to abort after being pregnant
for 7 months last June, as her family could not afford a
40,000 Yuan ($6,600) fine for an extra child.

The CCP always boasted about its One-Child Policy for reducing
population growth by 400 million,
saying the world population had reached 7 billion five years
later because of that.
However, nobody knows how many shaped lives were
killed in the process.

According to a prestigious medical journal "The Lancet",
China's suicide rate is 2.3 times the global average.
However, the female suicide rate in China is 25% higher than
that of males.
China is the only country where women commit suicide
significantly more than men.

Some comment that, forced abortion is an important factor that leads to higher suicide rate of women.

Tan Wei said, the CCP authority once made a survey
which showed the correlation between the number of children
and the family education level.
Higher education levels corresponds to lower birth rate.

Tan Wei: "If the money spent on birth control and killing
babies were used in educating people,
everything would change.
We will see completely different social effects
in birth control.
We won't have so many innocent babies
that have been killed."

Tan Wei commented that, a factor behind the CCP's
persistence in birth control is that it brings huge revenues
to local governments.

Famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou was recently required
to pay 7.48 million Yuan ($1.2M) in social maintenance
fees within 30 days for his three kids.

A lawyer from Zhejiang Province revealed that, only in 2012
the CCP had collected over 16.5 billion Yuan ($2.73 billion)
from fines over "extra birth".
However, how the money had been used has never been
known by the public.

Interview/YiRu Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/LiZhiyuan