【禁聞】白宮網站徵簽 美學者籲公開6.4真相


1月24號,美國蒙大拿大學(the University of Montana)退休史學教授史蒂芬・萊文(Steven Levine)在美國白宮網站上,發起徵簽活動,希望在2月23號前收到10萬簽名,以引起歐巴馬政府重視,並且做出議案,要求中共當局公布「6.4」真相。在徵簽的名單中有來自美國、英國、法國、澳大利亞、

美國蒙大拿大學(the University of Montana)退休史學教授史蒂芬・萊文(Steven Levine):「我做這件事情是因為在我一生,一直都是研究中國歷史政治的學生和老師,我非常關心中國,對於1989年6月4日發生的事情我記得非常清楚,因此我想鼓勵人們記住,那裡發生了甚麼,我認為對於政治來說,記憶是非常重要的。」


Steven Levine:「如果中國人民能知道歷史,他們也許肯定知道該幹甚麼,我想中國政府在阻止年輕一代了解歷史上發生的這件重要的事情。如果中國人知道了歷史,我想他們完全有能力來管理他們自己,及做出決定,也知道該做出甚麼樣的決定,知道要怎樣參與政治。」




天安門民主女神雕塑家陳維明:「在25年當中,每到這個關鍵的時刻,他們都會非常的恐懼,6.4其實是一個象徵、是一個坐標,6.4 這一天,人們真正的為了國家的民主、現代化,上街吶喊,要結束一黨專政。」





採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/陳建銘

White House Website Petition Calls For Recognition Of Tiananmen Massacre Victims

This year is the 25th anniversary of the "Tiananmen Massacre".

From the beginning of the New Year, the Chinese authorities began
to gag the so-called sensitive persons in China.

Abroad, pro-democracy activists launched the
" Global Siege Movement" to remind people of "6.4".

More American scholars hope to get help from the U.S. to publicise
the CCP’s "6.4 massacre" truth by launching a signature collection drive.

January 24, retired history professor from the University of
Montana, Steven Levine launched a signature collection
campaign on the White House Web site.

They wish to receive 100 thousand signatures before
February 23 to attract Obama Government’s attention and
push the Chinese authorities to launch a public enquiry to uncover
the truth of "6.4" .

Upon going to press, the petition number has reached 99,969 people
in 5 days.

People from United States, Britain, France, Australia,
New Zealand, all over the world as well as in China have signed
the petition.

Steven Levine: the reason I did this is because I have been a student
and a teacher of Chinese history and politics during my life,

and I am very concerned about China, and I remember very clearly
the event in 6/4/1989.

So I try to encourage people to remember what happened there,
because memory is very powerful in politics .

Professor Levine said the reason he does it is to tell people
those who fought in Tiananmen Square were for China's
political and democratic reform.

And now the Chinese authorities are also talking about political

Steven Levine: If Chinese people knew their history
they would probably know what to do now.

The Chinese Government prevented the young people from
knowing this important history.

Once people know the history, they are able to make their own
decisions to manage themselves and participate in politics.

Levine also built a websites and published the initiative of
"We will never forget June 4th" to commemorate the 25th
anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

Its recommendations said it is time to break the ban for the "June
4th" discussion by the authorities.

For concerns about a better future for China,

the proposal calls upon schools around the world, universities,
civil society organizations,

as well as foundations, research institutions, non-governmental
organizations and similar entities

for the sponsoring and convening of activities between April 15
and June 4

to commemorate the 25th anniversary of "June 4th" in lectures,
seminars, or memorial parades, press conferences and other
appropriate forms.

According to Hong Kong media, the Beijing Municipal Bureau
told Bao Tong,

the secretary to former CCP General Secretary
Zhao Ziyang, not to accept interviews inside or outside, and no
publishing either.

The sculptor of Tiananmen Square Democracy Goddess, Chen
Weiming: "In the past 25 years, every year at this critical time,
we all feel very scared.

6.4 is actually a symbol of togetherness.
On that day of June 4th, people called for an end of one-party
dictatorship for a truly democratic and modernized state."

Last August, “89 Democratic Movement” student leader Wang
Dan launched the Global Siege Movement for the 25th anniversary
of "6.4" in Los Angeles.

living in New York Chinese media people, Bei Feng planned
“ Return Tiananmen Square” action on 25th anniversary of "6.4"
with relevant people.

According to the U.S. China pro-democracy leaders,

"U.S. Committee of China Democratic National Committee"
Chairman Zhang Jian introduced, a series of "6.4" 25th
anniversary activities,

after New York Democrat announced the "Global Siege movement"
on January 1.

US China pro-democracy leader Zhang Jian:

"Also there will be more activities this year including, at the
consulates, the United Nations, as well as all Chinese embassies

These exiled fighters will use their own voice to protest the CCP. "

Zhang Jian said they will increase protests on the 25th anniversary
of "6.4"

because the CCP has not only failed to achieve promised
political reforms but intensified the persecution on its own
people in the 25 years.

The CCP's brutal regime has trodden down freedom
and democracy and morality.”

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/Chen Jianming