【禁聞】越南排華 共產兄弟互砍轉移矛盾














採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/鍾元

Communists Engage in Domestic Tension Diversion: Vietnam vs. China

After the violent anti-China demonstrations erupted in Vietnam,
in the military staff meeting between China and the United
States in the Pentagon, Washington warned Beijing's
'provocative' use of military assets to resolve disputes.
Experts analyze that both Communist regimes have
engaged in targeting each other in order to divert the focus
away from
intensified domestic conflicts.

Communist China's mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency
reported five Chinese vessels are scheduled to evacuate
Chinese nationals from Vietnam.
According to Department of Transportation, a ship has been
sent off from Hainan Province.
A chartered medical plane picked up the 16 critically
injured Chinese citizens on Sunday.

City University of New York Political Science Professor Xia
Ming explains that historically, China and Vietnam have
existed in a hostile relationship.
Vietnam had sought independence when an affiliated
state with China, and then as a colony of France, and finally
in the anti-American war.
Now as the largest trading partner of Vietnam, China has had
a great influence on Vietnam in politics, economy and culture.

Xia Ming: "The Vietnamese are very concerned about the close
tie with China, especially being a Communist country, and
the collapse of the country.
The Vietnamese nationalist sentiment has been the root of
conflict for a very long time.
This sentiment had caused the Battle of the Paracel Islands
in 1974 and the Sino-Vietnamese war in 1979.
These have planted the seeds of hatred.
With the flooding in of Chinese goods, Vietnam is under
tremendous stress and impact."

Vietnam is also faced with social problems such as an economic
crisis and high unemployment rate as well as frictions with
massive Chinese investors and tourists.
The stationed oil drilling rig from China in the Paracel area
has further enhanced the unrest in Vietnam.

Xia Ming believes that both Japan and the US have affected
the anxiety of Vietnam. The domestic power struggle has
urged the Vietnamese to seek a balance between China,
the US and Russia.

Xia Ming: "It realized that close ties with China could lead to
the collapse of the nation. Getting too close to the US or Japan,
however, also threatens its Communist rule and ideology.
Vietnam is seeking a balance between maintaining its
Communist Party and its Communism, and strengthening its
rule with nationalism."

CNN reported that out in the South China Sea, neither side
appears to be showing any sign of backing down over the
territorial dispute that sparked the violence.
The Vietnam's state-run news agency VNA accused China of
continuing to show "its aggressiveness by sending more military
ships" to the area around the oil rig.
Vietnam has demanded that China immediately withdraw
the rig from the disputed waters.

The Vietnam official was quoted as saying that China ships
were provoking the Vietnamese vessels by ramming them and
firing water cannons at them.
China, for its part, has continued to accuse Vietnamese ships
of similar acts, saying they are trying to disrupt the oil rig's
drilling operation. It has declared a three-mile exclusion zone
around the rig, which is operated by the state-owned oil and
gas company CNOOC, said CNN.

At the meeting in the Pentagon, China's PLA Chief of the
General Staff General Fang Fenghui claimed that China,
"In matters, issues that relate to sovereignty or territorial
integrity, our attitude has been firm."

While his counter presenter, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman
General Martin E. Dempsey responded, "We have to
acknowledge that there are disputes, territorial disputes that
are in play here", and "what exactly is the status quo and
who has been seeking to change it".

Xia Ming indicates that Communist China has played an
image of power since the 2008 Olympic Games, in foreign
policy, military and territory.
The violent anti-China protests in Vietnam have
embarrassed the regime.

Xia Ming: "If they can't handle the situation in Vietnam,
it is equivalent to telling the Chinese that the CCP has been
bragging falsely in the past.
They have engaged in cruelty and violence against their own
people for years, but can not handle an overseas incident?
Nationalism is putting the Communist regime under
great pressure if they react weakly.
However, if they react too tough, the war could lead to
greater conflict."

Moreover, it is questionable if China will win the war.
Xia Ming indicates that the 1979 war had resulted in heavy
casualties to the Chinese.
Should the war really erupt with Vietnam, an outbreak of
political and economic crisis is inevitable.

Interview & Edit/Qin Xue Post-Production/Zhong Yuan